Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. It is the woman's ___________ to talk about what sex might mean to her within a relationship.
2. Women are reluctant to leave not so great men as they hold onto the moments that are ______________.
3. Women hope and assume that sex will lead to __________ when they are with a man, no matter what the man has said.
4. Even when women know their men will never want to ____________, they stay anyway.
5. It is from women's __________ that they tend to be on the losing end of things so much of the time.
Short Essay Questions
1. What happens far too often when women get into relationships with men, according to this book?
2. What do women need to do when they are dating, according to Dr. Laura in this book?
3. What happens to unmarried couples who live together, according to Dr. Laura in this book?
4. What do women need, according to Dr. Laura, in order to stop the cycle of having sex too soon?
5. What do women need to do when they realize sex is not going to sustain their relationship according to this book?
6. What is the flaw in women blaming men for sex not turning into love in their relationships according to Dr. Laura?
7. What happens when women hold out for a dream within their relationships?
8. What does Dr. Laura observe about the way that man handle problems, as opposed to women?
9. Why do women decide to cohabitate, according to Dr. Laura's experience and observations on her show and in her life?
10. What does Dr. Laura tell the caller who still loves a married man even though he told her he is not leaving his wife?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Dr. Laura points out that women tend to believe they will get an identity when they have a partner or become married.
Part 1: How do you think Dr. Laura is defining the idea of identity?
Part 2: Why do you think women feel it's important to have an establish identity?
Part 3: How do you think a women might act in a relationship if she wasn't counting on the relationship for her identity?
Essay Topic 2
Dr. Laura points out that things which have been done to women in the past are no excuse for present day bad decisions.
Part 1: How might your past affect the way you make decisions today?
Part 2: Do you think it's possible to ignore your past when you make decisions today? Why or why not?
Part 3: Why do you think women tend to use their past as an excuse to make bad decisions?
Essay Topic 3
Dr. Laura says that in her experience, women allow themselves to become pregnant.
Part 1: Do you agree with Dr. Laura's idea that women allow themselves to become pregnant? Why or why not?
Part 2: Do you think women really believe a child will save a relationship? Why or why not?
Part 3: How does a child affect a relationship between a man and a woman?
This section contains 731 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |