Ten Stupid Things Women Do To Mess Up Their Lives Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ten Stupid Things Women Do To Mess Up Their Lives Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Women are paralyzed into fear over ___________ that they make poor decisions, according to Dr. Laura.
(a) Children.
(b) Reality.
(c) Autonomy.
(d) Themselves.

2. Dr. Laura believes that wanting to have partner for certain reasons gives women an excuse not to __________.
(a) Live.
(b) Take care of themselves.
(c) Change.
(d) Breathe.

3. If there is nothing _________ to replace the man with, the woman is likely to go right back to him.
(a) Negative.
(b) Fun.
(c) Positive.
(d) Easy.

4. When a woman's ___________ and self worth goes awry, troubles can occur.
(a) Hormones.
(b) Education.
(c) Bank account.
(d) Perspective.

5. __________ never end up being what women expect them to be according to Dr. Laura.
(a) Sexual encounters.
(b) Fantasies.
(c) Bedrooms.
(d) Flowers.

6. Dependency does not offer love, mutual regard, admiration, or ___________, according to Dr. Laura.
(a) Support.
(b) Respect.
(c) Easy answers.
(d) Control.

7. Women sometimes become disappointed in their boyfriends because these men represent something in themselves that is __________.
(a) Diappointing.
(b) Loving.
(c) Desirable.
(d) Sexy.

8. Women seem to be completely deluded into believing what they want to _____________.
(a) Believe.
(b) Show to their friends.
(c) Understand.
(d) Have in their bank account.

9. Two of Dr. Laura's patients, Maureen and __________, picked each other for particular reasons.
(a) Tim.
(b) Kenny.
(c) Johnny.
(d) Billy.

10. Dr. Laura does believe that a ___________ needs to accept responsibility for getting a woman pregnant.
(a) Family.
(b) Man.
(c) Woman.
(d) Doctor.

11. No one or no influence forces a ___________ to make a bad decision, according to Dr. Laura.
(a) Family.
(b) Woman.
(c) Child.
(d) Man.

12. Being assertive allows a women to be more __________ in choosing relationships to be in.
(a) Comandeering.
(b) Sexual.
(c) Selective.
(d) Aggressive.

13. Women need to know exactly why they are ___________ and then deal with it directly.
(a) Hurt.
(b) Discontent.
(c) Angry.
(d) Happy.

14. Women seem to go into sex without weighing the ____________, according to Dr. Laura.
(a) Lust.
(b) Relationship drama.
(c) Consequences.
(d) Health issues.

15. Women need to practice ________ in order for it to become more natural for them.
(a) Manipulation.
(b) Self-assertiveness.
(c) Power.
(d) Anger.

Short Answer Questions

1. Women need to understand that they are better off without ___________, according to Dr. Laura.

2. Making babies becomes a way of pretending that everything is __________, according to Dr. Laura.

3. Dr. Laura thinks that some women simply have lost their sense of _______ completely.

4. Dr. Laura feels the ultimate _______ is when people refuse to stop trying to get love and approval from others.

5. Women not only need to leave bad relationships, but they also need to replace the _____________.

(see the answer keys)

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