The Tempest Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Tempest Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What keeps Ferdinand going as he does Prospero's work?
(a) The possibility of being let go and leaving the island.
(b) The promise of being reunited with his father.
(c) His willingness to do anything for Miranda.
(d) His desire to prove that he is good at everything.

2. In Act I, Scene II, what does Prospero promise Ariel yet again?
(a) Freedom.
(b) Miranda.
(c) The island.
(d) Power.

3. What does Sebastian wonder about Antonio and his usurpation of Prospero's throne?
(a) If it plagues his conscience.
(b) If Antonio will do it to him.
(c) If he is as courageous as Antonio.
(d) How hard it is to be the king.

4. Miranda at first took pity on Caliban and tried to
(a) Teach him how to sing.
(b) Teach him how to write.
(c) Teach him how to speak.
(d) Teach him how to read.

5. The only nobleman who has a calm and positive attitude during the storm at sea is
(a) Antonio.
(b) Alonso.
(c) Ferdinand.
(d) Gonzalo.

6. Why does Prospero tell the story of their past to Miranda?
(a) Because she wants to know where they came from.
(b) Because she has always asked him about it.
(c) Because she is concerned about the people on the ship.
(d) Because she wants to hear a story.

7. Although coming from different worlds, Miranda and Ferdinand are similar because of their
(a) Age.
(b) Fathers.
(c) Moral beliefs.
(d) Innocence.

8. How does Antonio convince Sebastian to go along with the plan in Act II, Scene I?
(a) He describes the riches he will gain as the king of Naples.
(b) He explains how much he benefited from taking Prospero's throne.
(c) He tells him how much fun it is to be a king.
(d) He tells him that they can combine powers once he is king of Naples.

9. What is Prospero's reasoning for why Miranda believes that Ferdinand is the most beautiful man she has ever known?
(a) He is intelligent and understands her.
(b) He treats her well and loves her.
(c) She has only ever seen Prospero and Caliban before him.
(d) He is a prince and will inherit the kingdom of Naples.

10. The beginning of The Tempest takes place
(a) At sea.
(b) At a wedding ceremony.
(c) In Milan.
(d) In Tunis.

11. What does Miranda impulsively do in Act III, Scene I?
(a) Tells Ferdinand the secrets of the island.
(b) Kisses Ferdinand.
(c) Tells Ferdinand to run away.
(d) Tells Ferdinand her name.

12. Who assures Miranda that Ferdinand is a man and not a spirit?
(a) Caliban.
(b) Ferdinand.
(c) Ariel.
(d) Prospero.

13. Prospero seeks revenge against
(a) Antonio and Sebastian.
(b) Alonso and Ferdinand.
(c) Antonio, Alonso and Sebastian.
(d) Antonio and Gonzalo.

14. Prospero and Miranda were given provisions and books on the boat by
(a) Gonzalo.
(b) Sebastian.
(c) Stephano.
(d) Trinculo.

15. Ferdinand is the prince of
(a) Tunis.
(b) Carthage.
(c) Naples.
(d) Milan.

Short Answer Questions

1. Caliban wanted to populate the island with

2. When Miranda first meets Ferdinand, she believes he is

3. Which of the lords is the only person who tries comforting Alonso, who believes his son is gone?

4. Why does Miranda urge Ferdinand not to work so hard?

5. Why does Ferdinand not want Miranda to help him with his work?

(see the answer keys)

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