Tehanu: The Last Book of Earthsea Test | Final Test - Medium

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Tehanu: The Last Book of Earthsea Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Ged take the man into the village?
(a) So Therru wouldn't see him
(b) So he could go shopping
(c) So he could get a job
(d) So the villagers could identify him

2. What did Tenar see on Therru's arm?
(a) Nothing
(b) Scars
(c) A mark made from Handy's touch
(d) Healing

3. Why was Therru hiding?
(a) The man who was there the time she was burned had come to the house.
(b) Her blood mother came to find her.
(c) She was playing hide-and-seek with Sippy the goat.
(d) The dragon came back and scared her.

4. Where did Tenar go to seek refuge?
(a) To the village
(b) To the forest
(c) To Gont Port
(d) To Moss' house

5. What did the sailor give to Therru?
(a) Magic rocks
(b) A painting
(c) A carving of a dolphin
(d) Some rope to practice knots

Short Answer Questions

1. Who came to Tenar and Therru's rescue?

2. What happened to Therru's blood mother?

3. How did Tenar feel about her power?

4. What did Tenar tell Lebannen about Ged?

5. What did Moss accused the Wizard of doing?

Short Essay Questions

1. What happened to Therru as she boarded the ship, and how did it affect her?

2. Explain why Tenar went to go visit Ivy and what happened during the visit.

3. Explain this state of Ged's mind according to Moss.

4. Describe how the people in the village felt about Aspen.

5. What was the Roke needs looking for, and why was it unusual?

6. Explain the relationship between Ged and Therru as well as the relationship between Ged and Tenar after the capture of the men.

7. Explain the significance of Ged's arrival as the men were breaking into the house.

8. What did Tenar find out about the king's relationship with Ged?

9. Describe what Tenar sees behind the fan in the weaver's shop.

10. Explain what happened to the men who broke into the house and what happened to Therru's mother.

(see the answer keys)

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