The Teahouse of the August Moon Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Teahouse of the August Moon Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the daughter need to bring with her on the trip?
(a) Her children.
(b) Her reading glasses.
(c) Many more packages.
(d) Some pots to cook in.

2. Why did Fisby not report the birth of six kids in his report to the Col. under Population Increases?
(a) They are American and do not belong to the village.
(b) They are goats.
(c) Fisby did not know about the births.
(d) They are not counted until they are three years old.

3. Who is the old woman sitting on top of the bundles related to?
(a) Fisby.
(b) The emperor.
(c) The village mayor.
(d) The Colonel.

4. What transportation will the party be using to get to the village?
(a) A bus.
(b) A horse cart.
(c) A jeep.
(d) A car.

5. What is tsukemono?
(a) A between-meal snack.
(b) A hat.
(c) A building.
(d) A style of shoe.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Sakini walk so slowly?

2. Why is the daughter going on the trip?

3. What is the document called that Fisby is supposed to follow to help the village recover?

4. What, according to Fisby, does Congress not have any control over?

5. What does Miss Higa Jiga want Lotus Blossom to do for the League for Democratic Action?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Fisby achieve peace with himself in the end? What happens to his ambition? How does he describe his own balance?

2. Why does Fisby prefer to wear a straw hat after he's been in the village for awhile? Does this indicate a change of heart in other ways too? What?

3. What is the symbol behind a chrysanthemum bud? Why does Lotus Blossom give this to Fisby? Why does this bother him?

4. Why is McLean upset about being sent away? How does he view what will happen to his plants?

5. What does the old woman sitting on top of the jeep foreshadow? What clue does this character give to the general plot of the play?

6. When the teahouse is reassembled on stage, what is the last light to come on? What is this symbolic of? How does this complete the play?

7. What do the villagers want to build instead of a schoolhouse? What does this say about the values of the villagers? What does this say about Fisby?

8. How does Col. Purdy compare Fisby to Major McEvoy? What has Major McEvoy done in his village that the Col. admires? Why?

9. How does Sakini describe to Col. Purdy how the laundry gets done? What does Col. Purdy think of this system? Why does he have this opinion?

10. Why is it funny when McLean describes that his "Japanese beetles are eating up my Chinese peas?" Is there a bigger significance to this than the plant names? Is there irony in this comment?

(see the answer keys)

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