Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Chapter 9, individuals from what portion of Asia make up the dominant minority group in a number of places in the US?
(a) East.
(b) North.
(c) South.
(d) West.

2. According to Chapter 10, during the period of slavery, owning what made the distinction between the wealthy and the poor?
(a) Horses.
(b) Children.
(c) Clothing.
(d) Land.

3. What did Hooks say should replace the hierarchies that are dismantled?
(a) She says tolerance should replace the hierarchies.
(b) She does not mention what should replace the hierarchies.
(c) She says feminism should replace the hierarchies.
(d) She says love should replace the hierarchies.

4. What did Hooks say about the presence of a teacher in a classroom?
(a) It is appreciated but not necessary.
(b) It is not necessary.
(c) It is necessary.
(d) It is unappreciated.

5. In the context of class, what did Hooks say could happen to the status of the black partner within an interracial (black/white) relationship?
(a) It could improve.
(b) It could stay the same.
(c) It could worsen.
(d) It could stay the same for the first year, then improve afterwards.

6. Who was the main target audience of this book?
(a) Black men.
(b) White men.
(c) White women.
(d) Black women.

7. According to Hooks, when is the system of oppression appropriate?
(a) When it is backed by the government.
(b) When it is done in a friendly manner.
(c) When doing away with it would cause more harm than good.
(d) The system of oppression is never appropriate.

8. Whom did Hooks thank as the first forum that allowed her talk about the main issue discussed in Chapter 15?
(a) A religious environment.
(b) Medical environment.
(c) Feminist environment.
(d) Environment of higher education.

9. How did many of Hooks' male students feel about gender issues?
(a) They felt like the issues of gender and sexism were not relevant to their lives and therefore, it is not necessary for them to learn about it.
(b) They felt like they already had a good grasp on the issues of gender and sexism.
(c) They felt like the issues of gender and sexism do not exist.
(d) They felt like they were being pushed to learn about them and recognize sexism within society.

10. Hooks talked about making space for what?
(a) Others to cry.
(b) Others to write.
(c) Others to dance.
(d) Others to speak.

11. Hooks used Chapter 9 to do what with many of her ideas?
(a) Retract.
(b) Clarify.
(c) Attribute to others.
(d) Discredit.

12. What problem did Hooks say white women face in terms of white men?
(a) The ability to convince them that they should receive equal pay for the same jobs they do as white men.
(b) The ability to persuade white men that they too should have the right to be educated.
(c) The ability to prevent white men from becoming sexually involved with black women.
(d) The ability to prevent white men from physically abusing them.

13. What did Hooks say would be the experience for American blacks?
(a) How it feels when your minority is not the main one.
(b) How it feels when your minority is the main one.
(c) How it feels when you transform from a minority to the majority race.
(d) How it feels to not be considered a minority or majority race.

14. When Hooks was speaking of oppression in Chapter 8, to whom was she referring?
(a) Girls.
(b) Boys.
(c) Women in the workplace.
(d) Elderly men and women.

15. What did Hooks learn specifically about young, black men in terms of how they feel about social issues (i.e. sexism, racism)?
(a) Young, black men feel like they are highly favored in society and therefore have no concern with social issues.
(b) Young, black men feel like the issue of sexism experienced by their female counterparts is more of a problem within society than the racism they face.
(c) Young, black men believe sexism and racism are equally oppressive.
(d) Young, black men feel like they are already greatly hurt by racism so there was nothing left to bother them.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 9, what group did Hooks say is the dominant minority group in some parts of the United States?

2. What feeling towards men in her adult life did Hooks have as a result of her childhood?

3. Hooks began Chapter 10 by setting up the tension between what two groups?

4. According to Chapter 9, something about this book is symptomatic of what two things?

5. In Chapter 12, Hooks wrote about the patriarchal structure within what context?

(see the answer keys)

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