A Taste of Honey Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Taste of Honey Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Jo let Geof stay with her?
(a) She is deeply in love with him, and hopes he will marry her.
(b) She is deeply in debt, and needs the money he can pay in rent.
(c) She wants him to teach her to draw.
(d) She claims she is sick of love, and knows he will not start anything.

2. To what classic novel does Jo compare the book she is reading?
(a) Oliver Twist.
(b) Hard Times.
(c) Sense and Sensibility.
(d) Little Women.

3. What does Jo promise to buy Geof for Christmas?
(a) She promises to buy him a dog.
(b) She promises to buy him dinner.
(c) She promises to buy him a bed.
(d) She promises to buy him a car.

4. Who does Helen encourage Jo to locate?
(a) Peter.
(b) Geof.
(c) The baby's father.
(d) The landlady.

5. In the stage directions, what denotes the changing of time?
(a) Geof and Jo dance on and off stage with different props.
(b) Helen reenters and looks at her watch.
(c) Jo pulls the curtain, then when it opens, everything is different.
(d) The narrator tells the audience that two months have passed.

6. For the first time in her life, how does Jo feel?
(a) She feels extremely anxious and cannot even look out the window.
(b) She feels she can take care of herself, Helen, Geof, the baby, and the whole world.
(c) She feels like getting on a sailboat.
(d) She feels truly ill and may die.

7. Who does Helen ask for advice right before she leaves?
(a) Geof.
(b) Jo.
(c) The audience.
(d) Jimmie.

8. What animal does Jo compare to Geof?
(a) A songbird.
(b) An alley cat.
(c) A racehorse.
(d) A watchdog.

9. What does Jo forbid Helen to do?
(a) She forbids Helen from drinking.
(b) She forbids Helen from being rude to Geof.
(c) She forbids Helen from caring for the baby.
(d) She forbids Helen from entering the apartment.

10. What happens to the money Helen tries to give Jo?
(a) Geof spends it all on baby things.
(b) Jo throws it in the fireplace.
(c) Helen takes it back to buy a cradle.
(d) Peter takes it back before they leave.

11. Who is planning to make the baby a cradle?
(a) Geof.
(b) Helen.
(c) The landlady.
(d) Jo.

12. What are Jo and Geof doing in the stage directions at the beginning of Act 2, Scene 2?
(a) Jo is making a dress and Geof is sleeping on the couch.
(b) Geof is dancing and cleaning and Jo is reading.
(c) Geof is reading to the baby and Jo is taking a nap.
(d) Jo is cooking and Geof is planting flowers.

13. Who unexpectedly enters after Jo lies down?
(a) Helen.
(b) Jo's boyfriend.
(c) The Queen of England.
(d) Peter.

14. What does Geof find under the sofa?
(a) He finds Jo's bulbs.
(b) He finds a book.
(c) He finds a letter from Helen.
(d) He finds ten pounds.

15. Why did Jo used to smoke?
(a) She smoked to annoy Helen.
(b) She smoked because he boyfriend was a smoker.
(c) She smoked because she was addicted to nicotine.
(d) She smoked because she thought it would make her popular.

Short Answer Questions

1. What classical Greek figure is in the joke Peter tells Geof?

2. How does Jo think Helen feels about Peter?

3. Why is Jo so upset by his gift?

4. What was Jo's boyfriend's name?

5. What are Jo and Geof carrying when they enter the apartment?

(see the answer keys)

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