Tarzan of the Apes Test | Final Test - Medium

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Tarzan of the Apes Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does D'Arnot tell Tarzan about cooked food?
(a) D'Arnot does not mention cooked food.
(b) Tarzan must learn to eat it.
(c) It kills all the germs.
(d) It is better for the body.

2. How does Tarzan get the villagers to run away from the lieutenant?
(a) He roars like a lion in a number of different places.
(b) He pulls a large man into a tree with his rope.
(c) He kills the chief.
(d) He calls his ape tribe to help him.

3. What does the French officer who comes to shore ask Clayton?
(a) If Professor Porter is with them.
(b) If he is William Cecil Clayton.
(c) If they are planning to settle on that beach.
(d) If he has witnessed a mutiny.

4. What does Tarzan tell D'Arnot when D'Arnot asks him to take a note to the cabin?
(a) He has already done that.
(b) He will be glad to take them a note.
(c) He cannot leave D'Arnot alone.
(d) He does not know where the cabin is.

5. What does Tarzan say to Jane about the distance to America from Africa?
(a) He has crossed continents and oceans for her.
(b) It took longer for him to get there than he thought it would.
(c) It is farther than it looks on the map.
(d) It is not as far as he thought it would be.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does D'Arnot show the police official?

2. Why do Mr. Philander and the Professor fall out of the tree in Chapter 16?

3. What does Tarzan see the men on the ship do near where Tarzan is watching the ship?

4. Why does D'Arnot teach Tarzan French?

5. What does Jane realize when Tarzan asks her to marry him?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why do Jane and Clayton have a falling out?

2. How does it happen that Tarzan ends up leaving Jane to Clayton?

3. How does it happen that Jane does not marry Canler?

4. What does Jane try to get Captain Dufranne to do and what does he agree to for her?

5. At the beginning of Chapter 22, what does Lieutenant Charpentier decide to do and how does he do it?

6. What does Tarzan feel when he reads his two letters and what does he find out in the letters?

7. How does Tarzan meet up with Jane in Wisconsin?

8. What does Tarzan do for Jane for the night and what does he find out about his locket?

9. How does Clayton figure out what happened to his uncle, Lord Greystoke?

10. What happens when Canler arrives at the farmhouse?

(see the answer keys)

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