Tarzan of the Apes Test | Final Test - Easy

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Tarzan of the Apes Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 190 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Tarzan and D'Arnot visit a police official?
(a) Bristol.
(b) Lyons.
(c) Paris.
(d) London.

2. In Chapter 17, what does Tarzan do after he sees Jane writing at the table?
(a) Asks her what she is writing.
(b) Writes her a letter.
(c) Knocks on the cabin door.
(d) Steals the paper to read what she is writing.

3. Who comes out to greet Tarzan and D'Arnot from the palisade?
(a) Nathan Caldwell.
(b) Peter Brislak.
(c) Father Paternio.
(d) Father Constantine.

4. Why does Tarzan decide to take Jane into the jungle instead of returning her to the cabin?
(a) He is aroused and does not know what that means.
(b) Jane does not want to go back.
(c) Jane is injured and the trip back would hurt her.
(d) He does not like the other men at the cabin.

5. Where is the group meeting to get away from the fire?
(a) In a hostelry.
(b) At the police station.
(c) At the local diner.
(d) At a friend of Jane’s house.

6. What does Tarzan tell D'Arnot about Jane?
(a) Tarzan rescued her from a great ape.
(b) Clayton took Jane back to the beach.
(c) Tarzan could not find Jane.
(d) Tarzan saw her at the cabin.

7. What does Clayton say about Tarzan and the attack on the French?
(a) Tarzan saved all of them.
(b) Tarzan killed about six warriors by himself.
(c) Clayton does not mention Tarzan and the attack.
(d) He may have been a part of the attack.

8. What bet does Tarzan make with men at the inn in Chapter 26?
(a) That Tarzan can kill a lion with a knife and a rope.
(b) That Tarzan can call to an ape tribe.
(c) That Tarzan can ride a wild elephant.
(d) That D'Arnot can speak five languages.

9. What does Clayton ask Jane as they are riding in the car?
(a) If she is going to return to Maryland.
(b) If she will let him make her happy the rest of her life.
(c) If she could live in England.
(d) If she plans to marry Tarzan.

10. What does Tarzan tell D’Arnot about not talking in English?
(a) Tarzan has a heavy accent and is embarrassed to speak.
(b) Tarzan only speaks German.
(c) Tarzan does not like the English language.
(d) Tarzan has never spoken to a human before.

11. What do the four men in the cabin hear when the morning after Tarzan rescues Jane?
(a) A lion pawing at the door.
(b) A canon shot.
(c) Jane yelling for them.
(d) Tarzan’s ape call.

12. Why does D'Arnot throw himself on the bed in despair?
(a) His arm will be crippled.
(b) He does not throw himself on the bed in despair, he is happy to be back at the cabin.
(c) He thinks Tarzan has left him stranded alone.
(d) He realizes the ship is not returning.

13. What does D'Arnot show the police official?
(a) His list of names of the men who were killed in the jungle.
(b) His passport.
(c) A map of where the chest is hidden.
(d) Lord Greystoke’s diary.

14. Where is D’Arnot at the beginning of Chapter 23?
(a) At the cannibal village.
(b) In a grassy shelter.
(c) In the tree house.
(d) In a cabin.

15. What does Tarzan notice the ship doing when Tarzan sees smoke on the horizon?
(a) The ship puts on more sail and surges forward.
(b) The ship turns back towards the harbor.
(c) Nothing.
(d) The ship changes directions but still heads out of the harbor.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Tarzan give Jane when it is time to sleep?

2. Why is Terkoz happy when Tarzan finds him with Jane?

3. Why do Mr. Philander and the Professor fall out of the tree in Chapter 16?

4. What does Tarzan think about when he thinks of the power Tarzan has over Clayton?

5. What does Tarzan tell D'Arnot when D'Arnot asks him to take a note to the cabin?

(see the answer keys)

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