Tartuffe Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tartuffe Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who calls Tartuffe a "false Capuchin" in the play?
(a) Dorine.
(b) Cleante.
(c) Elmire.
(d) Damis.

2. Who does Madame Pernelle slap in Act 1?
(a) Elmire.
(b) Damis.
(c) Filipote.
(d) Dorine.

3. What does Dorine do every time Orgon turns towards her during their argument in Act 2?
(a) Pleads with him.
(b) Looks away.
(c) Closes her eyes.
(d) Stops talking.

4. What is Mariane's response to Orgon when he asks her if she will marry Tartuffe in Act 2?
(a) "Whatever your wish father."
(b) "I dare not!"
(c) "It is your will."
(d) "Out of the question, father, I assure you!"

5. What statement does Orgon continually repeat when discussing Tartuffe with Dorine in Act 1?
(a) "My dear man!"
(b) "Oh my!"
(c) "Poor fellow!"
(d) "Praise be!"

6. Whom does Orgon tell Cleante causes Tartuffe to often become jealous in Act 1?
(a) Elmire.
(b) Dorine.
(c) Filipote.
(d) Mariane.

7. What does Cleante describe Orgon's descriptions of Tartuffe as near the end of Act 1?
(a) Simply garbage.
(b) Dirty lies.
(c) Pure rot.
(d) Hearty smut.

8. What is Mariane's response to Valere when he asks her what she thinks of her father's decision for her to marry Tartuffe?
(a) "What do you think?"
(b) "It can't be true."
(c) "I don't know".
(d) "It will not happen."

9. What does Orgon tell Cleante when he asks what he should report to Valere regarding Mariane's marriage?
(a) "No more".
(b) "Enough I say".
(c) "What you please".
(d) "I dare say not".

10. What does Dorine tell Mariane and Valere at the very end of Act 2?
(a) "You go off that way, and you go the other."
(b) "Go be happy and conspire."
(c) "Go off together happily."
(d) "Make up and celebrate."

11. What question does Dorine ask Mariane just after Orgon leaves the room in Act 2?
(a) "What's going to happen?"
(b) "Is this what you want?"
(c) "Have you entirely lost your voice and heart?"
(d) "What do you think of this?"

12. What does Elmire refer to as a "dreadful chore" to Cleante in Act 1?
(a) Madame Pernelle's lecture.
(b) Talking to Orgon.
(c) Standing up.
(d) Listening to Tartuffe.

13. Who tells Orgon to keep his "anger within measure" in Act 2?
(a) Cleante.
(b) Elmire.
(c) Dorine.
(d) Mariane.

14. What is the name of Madame Pernelle's servant in the play?
(a) Dorine.
(b) Laurent.
(c) Filipote.
(d) Tartuffe.

15. Who describes Tartuffe as "a base usurper with a power tyrannic"?
(a) Elmire.
(b) Cleante.
(c) Dorine.
(d) Damis.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the author of the play Le Tartuffe?

2. What does Orgon tell Cleante God told him to do regarding Tartuffe?

3. Who says, "Do you think that I should perpetuate the flame of love that I have felt of late?"

4. What does Orgon call Dorine when she claims that he is lying about making his daughter marry Tartuffe?

5. Which character is the first to speak in Act 2?

(see the answer keys)

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