Taran Wanderer Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Taran Wanderer Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what condition does Dorath leave Taran after the fight between them?
(a) Unconscious, but unharmed.
(b) Crying in shame.
(c) Bleeding on the ground.
(d) Glaring in fury.

2. Where does Taran take the shepherd's sheep at the end of the winter?
(a) To a livestock market.
(b) To Cair Dallben.
(c) To the Free Commots.
(d) To a small farmer with many children.

3. Where does Taran stay for the winter?
(a) Cair Dallben.
(b) With the Free Commots.
(c) King Smoit's palace.
(d) Craddoc's land.

4. Which of the Free Commots does Taran think feels like home?
(a) Commot Merin.
(b) Merry's Commot.
(c) Merlin's Commot.
(d) Commot Merclin.

5. What is the shepherd's most prized possession?
(a) His enchanted sword.
(b) His sheep.
(c) His land.
(d) His son.

6. What job does Taran take in the second of the Free Commots?
(a) Tailor.
(b) Artist.
(c) Weaver.
(d) Blacksmith.

7. What job does Taran take when he reaches the first of the Free Commots?
(a) Weaver.
(b) Blacksmith.
(c) Artist.
(d) Tailor.

8. What does Taran's master in the third of the Free Commots have Taran do to clear his head?
(a) Meditate.
(b) Take a few days off.
(c) Close his eyes and work without thinking.
(d) Do a delivery.

9. What do Dorath and his men do when Taran asks them for some food?
(a) Completely ignores Taran.
(b) Lets Taran scrape the left-overs when the men are done eating.
(c) Welcomes them and feeds them.
(d) Makes Taran promise payment for the food.

10. What does Taran make for the farmer and his family before he leaves?
(a) A system of catching and cleaning fish.
(b) A table.
(c) A new wheat grinder.
(d) A front porch.

11. What is the device in the river used to do for the farmer and his family?
(a) Give him safe passage across the river.
(b) Provide a traveling bridge.
(c) Catch things floating down the river.
(d) Power the mill that grinds his wheat.

12. Why is Taran so angry about the shepherd's death?
(a) He wastes the one call on the battle horn.
(b) He wants an explanation for the lie.
(c) He loses his father.
(d) He never hears the whole true story.

13. Who does Taran befriend in the fourth of the Free Commots?
(a) An injured young man.
(b) A beautiful woman.
(c) A spry little dwarf.
(d) An old weaver.

14. Who owns what the travelers find at the rocky area after leaving Dorath's camp?
(a) King Smoit.
(b) Dorath.
(c) A crippleled man.
(d) The farmer.

15. What news does an urgent Gurgi bring Taran one day at the end of the summer?
(a) Craddoc is injured.
(b) Craddoc is not his father.
(c) Dallben is coming.
(d) The princess has written to him.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Dorath tell Taran he wants before he will let Taran go?

2. What do the travelers find at the rocky area after leaving Dorath's camp?

3. How does Taran feel about living the life of a shepherd?

4. What does Taran find when he reaches the fourth of the Free Commots?

5. What is the name of the farmer who gets Craddoc's sheep?

(see the answer keys)

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