Tambourines to Glory Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Tambourines to Glory Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 170 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the image of Buddy and Laura's sparkling eyes invoke?
(a) An image of a diamond in the rough.
(b) An image of starlight.
(c) The glint of steel as it is about to kill someone.
(d) The glint of the diamond eyes of the serpent in the Adam and Eve mural at the church.

2. How does Laura suggest they buy the Bible?
(a) Collecting money on the street corner.
(b) Profits from her gambling.
(c) Asking the pimp down the street to buy it for them.
(d) She has no idea how they can afford it.

3. What does Laura say Essie can provide?
(a) The decorations.
(b) The flowers.
(c) The preaching.
(d) The music.

4. How does Laura describe the church apartment?
(a) An Ethiopian Garden of Eden.
(b) A Garden of Cornucopia delights.
(c) The Ethiopian paradise.
(d) The garden after Eve's fall.

5. What is Essie's opinion of Laura's lifestyle?
(a) Fast and loose.
(b) Uplifting.
(c) Fun.
(d) Calm and peaceful.

6. To whom does Laura liken many of her personality traits?
(a) Her mother.
(b) Her sixth-grade teacher.
(c) Her oldest sister.
(d) Her grandmother.

7. Where does Essie say that the spark to convert has to come from?
(a) People's hearts.
(b) Laura's sermons.
(c) God.
(d) The music.

8. Who has not yet bought any holy water?
(a) Buddy.
(b) Chicken-Crow-For-Day.
(c) Essie.
(d) Birdie Lee.

9. What happens after Essie joins in on the song?
(a) Someone yells at them to be quiet.
(b) Others join.
(c) Essie becomes inspired and everyone gets quiet to hear her.
(d) Laura stops and starts to pass the hat.

10. Why does Laura hire an artist?
(a) To do a portrait of Laura to hang in the church.
(b) To sketch line drawings of Biblical scenes on the pews.
(c) To paint murals of a black Adam and Eve and other Biblical scenes.
(d) To inscribe the name of the church on a piece of slate.

11. What does Essie want to do with the money?
(a) Hire a real minister.
(b) Have two more murals painted.
(c) Buy hymnals.
(d) Bank it for a future need.

12. What does Essie think Laura should be thinking?
(a) Of how they are going to keep the authorities from interferring.
(b) Of how to get the people to donate more money.
(c) Of the future.
(d) Of the souls they're saving with their preaching.

13. How does Essie clean her nails?
(a) By cutting them down to the quick.
(b) By scouring them with a brillo pad.
(c) By soaking her fingers in soapy water.
(d) With a knife she keeps on her for protection.

14. What does Chapter 6 describe?
(a) The pimp who threatens them for stealing his members.
(b) The two women's contrasting appearances.
(c) It is a detailed description of the Bible they bought.
(d) The first night the women go out to preach.

15. What cliche does Laura quote to convince Essie?
(a) The Lord helps those who help themselves.
(b) Ask and ye shall receive.
(c) The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away.
(d) Ask not and you get not.

Short Answer Questions

1. What would be a general description of Essie?

2. What sound is heard outside as Buddy and Laura talk?

3. What central conflict does this chapter set up?

4. For what does Laura say they need money?

5. Who joins Chicken-Crow-For-Day in reciting sins?

(see the answer keys)

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