Taltos: Lives of the Mayfair Witches Test | Final Test - Medium

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Taltos: Lives of the Mayfair Witches Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What can the Taltos recognize on sight concerning witches?
(a) How powerful a witch is.
(b) That a person is a witch.
(c) Whether a witch can bear a Taltos child.
(d) Whether the witch uses positive or negative energy.

2. Who do Taltos recognize on sight?
(a) Each other.
(b) A pregnant woman.
(c) Witches.
(d) If someone means them harm.

3. Where do Mona and Mary Jane take a boat?
(a) To England.
(b) Through the Panama Canel to California.
(c) To Mary Jane's grandmother's home.
(d) To the middle of the Gulf of Mexico.

4. Who do Stuart's notes implicate?
(a) Marklin and Tommy.
(b) Just Marklin.
(c) Rowan and Michael.
(d) Ash.

5. What does Mona tell the doctor they need?
(a) A broken bone set.
(b) Some painkillers.
(c) A birth certificate.
(d) Some antibiotics.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Mona having trouble walking?

2. What do Ash and other Taltos eventually realize about humans?

3. Where do Ash and the other Taltos with him eventually settle?

4. What path does Ash believe is best for the Taltos after hearing the ideas of Christianity?

5. What vow does Ash find appealing about which the Catholic priest tells Ash?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Granny tell Mona about walking babies?

2. What does Rowan tell Ash about Michael's fears about telling Ash the truth?

3. What does Rowan tell Ash about a Taltos female, and what is Ash's reaction to the news?

4. How is Mona doing when she and Mary Jane arrive at the dock and what does she tell Mary Jane?

5. Why did some Taltos leave the paradise, what happens to the paradise and how do the Taltos feel about life in their new location? Why did Ash worry about the Taltos?

6. How does Ash come to write the book Stuart had in his possession?

7. What does Doctor Jack insist upon and what information do they give him?

8. What does Ash say about how the Taltos first lived peaceably with humans?

9. What do Michael and Yuri talk about on the phone?

10. How does Ash hear about Christianity and how does he feel about that religion?

(see the answer keys)

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