Talking God Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Talking God Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How can Chee tell the Yeibichai is a replica?
(a) There is no corn pollen on it.
(b) There is a made in China sticker on it.
(c) He cannot tell if it is original or not.
(d) The colors are slightly the wrong hue.

2. For what is Fleck still searching?
(a) A man he is supposed to incapacitate.
(b) His wife who leaves him.
(c) His missing daughter.
(d) A nursing home for his mother.

3. Who goes with Leaphorn to Union Station?
(a) Jim Chee.
(b) Henry Highhawk.
(c) Janet Pete.
(d) Roland Dockery.

4. What is the purpose of the dance for Anges Tsosie?
(a) To cure her of her brain tumor.
(b) To entertain her in her last hours.
(c) To cure her of liver cancer.
(d) To restore her to harmony with her fate.

5. What is the name of the exhibit Highhawk is setting up?
(a) The Masked Gods of the Americas.
(b) Finding the Masked Ones of North America.
(c) The Americas' Masked Enemies.
(d) The Fall of the Nations of Native America.

6. Who does Chee discuss with Leaphorn?
(a) Highhawk and Gomez.
(b) Perry.
(c) Pete.
(d) Fleck.

7. Who does Fleck consider asking for money?
(a) Eddy Elkins.
(b) He can think of no one to ask.
(c) His brother.
(d) The Client's boss.

8. How long did Elogio Santillanes y Jimenez have to remained a "John Doe" for Fleck to be paid by The Client?
(a) 45 days.
(b) 30 days.
(c) 14 days.
(d) 3 days.

9. What is a song on the recorder found on Highhawk?
(a) An explanation about why he killed Yoakum.
(b) A song from the Night Chant.
(c) A song from a Zuni Rain Dance.
(d) There are no songs; just talking.

10. How does Leaphorn learn the killer's address?
(a) Through the Washington, D. C. police.
(b) Through a want ad circled in the paper on the victim.
(c) From Henry Highhawk.
(d) By a pharmacist.

11. Who refuses to pay Fleck for a job he did?
(a) The Client.
(b) General Ramon Huerta Cardona.
(c) Eddy Elkins.
(d) General Jose Juarez.

12. What shocks Chee near the museum entrance?
(a) Seeing Janet with her arms around another Native American.
(b) Seeing Joe Leaphorn.
(c) Seeing an elderly woman fall and people just walking around her.
(d) Seeing a homeless man sleeping near the Washington monument.

13. What is Leaphorn's typical outfit at home?
(a) Business suit.
(b) Jeans and flannel shirt.
(c) The uniform of the Nez Pez Tribal Police.
(d) The uniform of the Navajo Tribal Police.

14. What does Chee wonder about the Yeibichai mask?
(a) If the mask is one of the objects Highhawk robbed from a grave.
(b) Why they would put a Yeibichai mask on a manikin.
(c) How the museum came to own such a sacred object.
(d) If the museum knows it is a fake.

15. Why does Highhawk wish to speak with Janet Pete privately?
(a) To ask her to marry him.
(b) To find out if she has decided on his offer of employment.
(c) To consult her about his criminal charges.
(d) To tell her of a threat against him.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is missing from Highhawk's hook in his office?

2. What is different between the list and the notebook in the luggage Leaphorn inspects?

3. What is one thing a brief newspaper article says about Elogio Santillanes y Jimenez?

4. What does Fleck do after seeing the article about Elogio Santillanes y Jimenez?

5. What does Fleck think about after making a phone call?

(see the answer keys)

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