A Tale of Two Cities Test | Final Test - Medium

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A Tale of Two Cities Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Madame Defarge reveal about her past?
(a) She was actually born in England.
(b) She has an English stepsister.
(c) She is the other sister of the wounded boy discussed at Darnay's trial.
(d) She is the sister of Doctor Manette.

2. What does a woman waiting to be executed ask to do when she sees Carton's face?
(a) Write about the blank stare in his eyes
(b) Write the prophecies she sees in his eyes
(c) Write of the fear she sees in his face
(d) Write about the pain in his face

3. How does Doctor Manette manage to visit Charles in prison?
(a) Manette is allowed to visit because of his past imprisonment.
(b) Manette sneaks past the guards after dark.
(c) Manette bribes the guards.
(d) Manette becomes the prison's physician.

4. What does Madame Defarge carry inside her coat as she walks through the streets of Paris?
(a) A flag of the Republic
(b) A vile of poison
(c) Her knitting
(d) A pistol and a dagger

5. What bothers Lorry about the Defarges?
(a) Their ignorance
(b) Their dreadful manner
(c) Their lust for blood
(d) They seem too happy.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the universal fear and distrust of the times affect daily life of the citizens?

2. What startles Lucie as she sits in her home listening to her father tell Little Lucie a story?

3. What words continue to repeat in Carton's mind as he wanders the streets throughout the night?

4. What does the evidence against Charles call up in the crowd at the trial?

5. What is Mr. Lorry grateful for as he sits in Tellson's Bank in Paris?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Carton manage to convince Solomon to help him see Charles in prison?

2. What are the three letters Charles writes from prison before his scheduled execution, and who does he forget?

3. How does Doctor Manette manage to communicate messages between Charles and Lucie?

4. What is the verdict for Charles in this second trial?

5. Explain why Mr. Lorry is horrified to look out the window of Tellson's Bank.

6. Summarize the contents of the note Charles sends to Lucie.

7. Describe what Carton does when he visits Charles in prison.

8. How does Carton help the seamstress who is being executed before him?

9. Summarize the thoughts of the people on the night after Carton's execution.

10. Summarize the description Carton gives of Mr. Lorry and how people will feel about him when he is gone.

(see the answer keys)

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