A Tale of Two Cities Test | Final Test - Easy

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A Tale of Two Cities Test | Final Test - Easy

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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Darnay tell Doctor Manette about the evidence brought against him in court?
(a) He tells Manette that the conviction is his entire fault.
(b) He tells Manette that he was a fool to write the letter.
(c) He tells Manette that Lucie will never forgive him.
(d) He tells Manette not to feel guilty about it.

2. What is the plan Doctor Manette tells to Lucie so that Charles can see her from a prison window?
(a) She stands outside the prison dressed in leper's robes.
(b) She comes to the prison disguised as a fruit vendor.
(c) She comes to the prison after dark so he can see her.
(d) She stands outside at three in the afternoon and he will be able to see her.

3. Who does Charles forget about as he writes letters to family and friends?
(a) Mr. Lorry
(b) Lucie
(c) Doctor Manette
(d) Sydney Carton

4. Who are the three witnesses against Charles Darnay at his trial?
(a) Monsieur Defarge, Madame Defarge, and Doctor Manette
(b) Monsieur Defarge, Solomon, and The Vengeance
(c) Monsieur Defarge, Madame Defarge, and The Vengeance
(d) Monsieur Defarge, The Vengeance, and Doctor Manette

5. What is Madame Defarge's reaction to the fate of Charles Darnay?
(a) She smiles.
(b) She is horrified.
(c) She is indifferent.
(d) She is saddened.

6. What does the audience yell out as Darnay's name is called?
(a) Show mercy.
(b) Take off his head.
(c) Set him free.
(d) Let him rot in prison.

7. Who cries out Solomon's English identity when he sees Jerry and Miss Pross talking to him?
(a) Monsieur Lafarge
(b) Doctor Manette
(c) Mr. Lorry
(d) Sydney Carton

8. What is the first thing Charles does when he is put in his cell?
(a) He writes a letter to Mr. Lorry.
(b) He writes a letter to his wife.
(c) He says a prayer.
(d) He paces the floor, counting the cell's measurement.

9. What is Lucie's reaction when she is finally pulled away from Charles?
(a) She pulls her hair hysterically.
(b) She scratches at her eyes.
(c) She faints.
(d) She screams.

10. How does Carton comfort the seamstress who is executed before him?
(a) He tells her that she is too good for this world.
(b) He tells her there is no trouble or worry in the next world.
(c) He tells her that she is brave.
(d) He tells her that her family will pray for her soul.

11. What has the wood-sawyer named his saw?
(a) My Little Guillotine
(b) My Dear Livelihood
(c) My Little Shaver
(d) My Sharp Razor

12. What does Madame Defarge reveal about her past?
(a) She is the other sister of the wounded boy discussed at Darnay's trial.
(b) She was actually born in England.
(c) She is the sister of Doctor Manette.
(d) She has an English stepsister.

13. What does the evidence against Charles call up in the crowd at the trial?
(a) Their own past offenses
(b) Mercy for the prisoners
(c) Sympathy for Charles
(d) A passion for vengeance

14. What is Sydney's intention now that Charles is out of the prison?
(a) He will be executed in Charles' place.
(b) He will wait for Charles to reach safety, then escape.
(c) He will declare his true identity at La Guillotine.
(d) He will escape through the trap door.

15. What is Madame Defarge plotting?
(a) The death of her own husband
(b) The death of Lucie, her daughter, and her father
(c) The imprisonment of Doctor Manette
(d) The death of Mr. Lorry and Jerry Cruncher

Short Answer Questions

1. What does a woman waiting to be executed ask to do when she sees Carton's face?

2. Who does Mr. Lorry leave with Lucie, her child, and Miss Pross at their new lodgings?

3. How does Carton manage to get Charles out of his prison cell?

4. How does the universal fear and distrust of the times affect daily life of the citizens?

5. What does Carton instruct Charles to do when he goes to his prison cell?

(see the answer keys)

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