A Tale of Two Cities Quiz | One Week Quiz A

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A Tale of Two Cities Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Book 3, Chapter 8.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What becomes of the Marquis' chateau?
(a) It becomes a convent.
(b) It deteriorates through the years.
(c) It is reconstructed by the common people.
(d) It burns to the ground.

2. What becomes of the corrupt Court of France?
(a) It lives on, oppressing the common people.
(b) Its loyal subjects make it thrive.
(c) It continues on but with less corruption.
(d) It is gone altogether.

3. Chapter 10 What does Charles Darnay choose as a career?
(a) A foreign diplomat
(b) A wine master
(c) A soldier for the King
(d) A tutor of French literature and language

4. What is in the letter that Gabelle sends to Charles Darnay?
(a) A request that Charles rescue him from prison
(b) A request for money
(c) A request for a new home
(d) A request for employment

5. How does Charles feel about Lucie Manette?
(a) She is only a friend to him.
(b) He finds her annoying.
(c) He views her as a sister.
(d) He loves her completely.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does Miss Pross run across her long lost brother, Solomon?

2. What is Solomon's secret identity in England?

3. Who does Solomon blame for his secret identity being exposed?

4. What is the commotion at the Marquis' home after dinner with Charles?

5. Who cries out Solomon's English identity when he sees Jerry and Miss Pross talking to him?

(see the answer key)

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