Tales of Henry James: The Texts of the Stories, the Author on His Craft, Background and Criticism Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tales of Henry James: The Texts of the Stories, the Author on His Craft, Background and Criticism Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the main character's response to this insistence?
(a) He dismisses them.
(b) He agrees.
(c) He listens without responding.
(d) He argues with them.

2. What is Oronte's relationship with the main character?
(a) He is one a representative from an gallery.
(b) He is his manservant.
(c) He is one of his patrons.
(d) He is one of his regular models.

3. How does the main character describe the Monarchs' intelligence?
(a) He says that they are ignorant about reality, but current on reading the news.
(b) He says that they are brilliant at scheming socially.
(c) He says that they are not very intelligent.
(d) He says that they stay away from intellectual pursuits that might cause them discomfort.

4. Where is Oronte from?
(a) Italy.
(b) Portugal.
(c) Sweden.
(d) Sicily.

5. What changes for Mr. Offord?
(a) He inherits money.
(b) His health declines.
(c) He adopts Brooksmith.
(d) He loses his memory.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the main character think of the Monarchs?

2. What effect have the Monarchs had on the main character's art, according to Jack Hawley?

3. What thought do Mr. Offord's friends give Brooksmith after Mr. Offord's death?

4. What is the reason for the Monarchs' insistence?

5. What is the cause of Daisy Miller's death?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the setting of 'Daisy Miller,' and why is this significant?

2. What do the Europeans believe will happen to Daisy Miller, and what is their knowledge founded in?

3. What is it about Daisy Miller that is so shocking the Europeans, and certain Americans?

4. How does Winterbourne meet Daisy Miller?

5. Describe Mr. Oliver Offord's salons.

6. What is the relationship between Pemberton and Morgan?

7. What prevents Mr. Oliver Offord's friends from hiring Brooksmith?

8. What does 'The Real Thing' say about the nature of art?

9. What is the publisher trying to obtain in 'The Aspern Papers'?

10. What is James saying about aristocracy in 'The Real Thing'?

(see the answer keys)

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