Tales of Henry James: The Texts of the Stories, the Author on His Craft, Background and Criticism Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tales of Henry James: The Texts of the Stories, the Author on His Craft, Background and Criticism Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Dencombe feel he is in his life?
(a) At the end.
(b) Beyond the middle point.
(c) Still developing toward his peak.
(d) In the beginning.

2. What had John Marcher told May Bartram when they met earlier?
(a) His professional ambitions.
(b) A great secret.
(c) His crumbling financial situation.
(d) He declared his love to her.

3. What does James say is more important than genius?
(a) Imagination.
(b) Morality.
(c) Character.
(d) Talent.

4. What does Dr. Hugh bring to Dencombe after Dencombe's collapse?
(a) Medication.
(b) A copy of his first book for Dencombe to sign.
(c) Jewelry from the Countess.
(d) A favorable review in a literary journal.

5. How do the editors characterize James' view on short stories?
(a) A short story could be like a mirror for the reader.
(b) A short story could be like a force of nature.
(c) A short story could be like a picture.
(d) A short story could be a roadmap for the future of society.

6. Why does Lady Bradeen stop using the main character's telegraph office?
(a) She understands that the main character is watching her.
(b) She suspects the main character of having a crush on Captain Everard.
(c) She moves away.
(d) She is sure the main character has stolen from her.

7. How does James characterize Spencer Brydon's lifestyle all these years?
(a) Shabby.
(b) Niggardly.
(c) Comfortable.
(d) Penurious.

8. Why do the editors say James' essays on criticism are inconsistent?
(a) James himself changed his mind frequently.
(b) James' writing was inconsistent.
(c) James' work made great developmental strides over his career.
(d) They were written over the course of many years.

9. Where do the main character and Captain Everard run into each other?
(a) In the park.
(b) In the grocery.
(c) At the theatre.
(d) In a hotel.

10. What happens to Dencombe before he can tell Dr. Hugh that he is a writer?
(a) Dr. Hugh is called away.
(b) Dr. Hugh tells him about the Countess and Miss Vernham.
(c) He dies.
(d) He faints.

11. What assurance does Dr. Hugh give Dencombe?
(a) He will live a long time.
(b) He will live forever.
(c) He will be immortalized in his books.
(d) He will write another six books.

12. Why does James say John Marcher lives like this?
(a) To avoid others detecting his secret.
(b) To remedy his guilt about inheriting his father's money.
(c) To give himself time to make his secret less destructive in his life.
(d) To search for the most suitable partner.

13. How does the telegraph operator help Lady Bradeen and Captain Everard?
(a) She prevents Lady Bradeen's husband from finding out.
(b) She contains the fallout of their affair.
(c) She hides their correspondence from investigators.
(d) She poses as Captain Everard's lover for the sake of Lady Bradeen's husband.

14. How does James characterize John Marcher's social life?
(a) He is always socializing.
(b) He accepts invitations from time to time.
(c) He travels as much as possible.
(d) He hardly ever goes out.

15. What is Miss Staverton's relationship with Spencer Brydon?
(a) Old lovers.
(b) Cousins.
(c) Sister-brother.
(d) Old friends.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where does John Marcher work?

2. Whose house is on Jolly Corner?

3. How old is Spencer Brydon?

4. What was the content of the thing John Marcher told May Bartram?

5. In what month is 'The Middle Years' set?

(see the answer keys)

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