Tales of Henry James: The Texts of the Stories, the Author on His Craft, Background and Criticism Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tales of Henry James: The Texts of the Stories, the Author on His Craft, Background and Criticism Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What effect have the Monarchs had on the main character's art, according to Jack Hawley?
(a) They bring it to life.
(b) They distract from it.
(c) They expand it.
(d) They hurt it.

2. What does Mrs. Moreen hold in her hands while she makes her offer to Pemberton?
(a) Her son.
(b) A checkbook.
(c) Her hat.
(d) A pair of soiled gloves.

3. What accessory does Julianne Bordereau wear in the publisher's presence?
(a) An emerald necklace.
(b) A green eye shade.
(c) A head wrap.
(d) An ostrich-feather hat.

4. What position do the Monarchs always occupy in the illustrations the main character makes?
(a) They bring life to the pictures.
(b) They are the only interesting figures in the pictures.
(c) They dominate the others.
(d) They drain life from the pictures.

5. What is Oronte's relationship with the main character?
(a) He is his manservant.
(b) He is one of his patrons.
(c) He is one a representative from an gallery.
(d) He is one of his regular models.

6. What does the boy ask Winterbourne for in the garden?
(a) A cube of sugar.
(b) A book.
(c) Money.
(d) Directions.

7. Paula and Amy Moreen are employed at _____________.
(a) Knitting.
(b) Finding husbands.
(c) Factory work.
(d) Charity work.

8. What does Mr. Offord conduct in his home?
(a) Political meetings.
(b) A salon.
(c) A reading club.
(d) Business meetings.

9. What is it that requires Mr. Oliver Offord to stay home?
(a) His health.
(b) His responsibilities.
(c) His ailing mother.
(d) His bad leg.

10. What do the Monarchs insist on in respect to the main character?
(a) He should paint their portraits for a low price.
(b) He should sell them all of his work.
(c) They will be excellent models for him.
(d) He should help them present an illusion of wealth.

11. Who is Julianne Bordereau?
(a) Aspern's aunt.
(b) Aspern's lover.
(c) Aspern's wife.
(d) Miss Tita's niece.

12. What was the crowd like that came to Mr. Offord's house?
(a) Mostly men.
(b) All women.
(c) All men.
(d) Mostly women.

13. What thought does the narrator give to Brooksmith after Mr. Offord's death?
(a) He considers hiring him, but cannot afford it.
(b) He does not give Brooksmith much thought.
(c) He refers him for a job somewhere else.
(d) He loans him money and helps him set up his own house.

14. What does the publisher believe is the reason for Julianne Bordereau wearing a certain accessory in his presence?
(a) To hide the searing power of her eyes.
(b) To protect herself from getting a headache.
(c) To seduce him.
(d) To impress him.

15. How does James characterize the Monarchs as models?
(a) Fidgety.
(b) Uncreative.
(c) Inventive.
(d) Useless.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the publisher trying to get his hands on?

2. What is the main character working on when the Monarchs come to see him?

3. What was Julianne Bordereau's response to the publisher's initial request?

4. What does Winterbourne realize with a shock, about Daisy Miller?

5. How does James characterize the relationship between Mr. Offord and Brooksmith?

(see the answer keys)

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