Tales of Henry James: The Texts of the Stories, the Author on His Craft, Background and Criticism Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tales of Henry James: The Texts of the Stories, the Author on His Craft, Background and Criticism Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does James describe Pemberton's salary?
(a) Excessive.
(b) Thrifty.
(c) Niggardly.
(d) Generous.

2. How does James describe Pemberton?
(a) Sophisticated and smart.
(b) Brilliant and curious.
(c) Outgoing and gregarious.
(d) Weak and ineffectual.

3. What outcome is the main character hoping his work will bring?
(a) Commissions for portraits.
(b) Investors for his gallery.
(c) A commission to illustrate a series of books.
(d) A commission to write a book.

4. Why does the publisher not get the papers?
(a) They never actually existed.
(b) Miss Juliana burns them.
(c) Miss Tita burns them.
(d) He cannot afford them.

5. What is the publisher trying to get his hands on?
(a) Aspern's love letters.
(b) Aspern's lover.
(c) Aspern's property.
(d) Aspern's unpublished manuscripts.

6. What is the publisher's relationship with Julianne Bordereau?
(a) He rents a room from her.
(b) Her publishes her biography.
(c) He seduces her.
(d) He rents her a room.

7. How does James characterize the Moreens?
(a) Naïve.
(b) Frivolous.
(c) Flamboyant.
(d) Bookish.

8. Where does Winterbourne encounter Daisy Miller the second time?
(a) In the street.
(b) At Mr. Giovanelli's home.
(c) At Mrs. Walker's home.
(d) In a garden in Rome.

9. What kind of people are the Monarchs, according to the main character?
(a) People who go to the opera to listen to the music.
(b) People who think they are buying artists, not paintings.
(c) People who keep a lot of pets.
(d) People who visit country houses.

10. How does James characterize the relationship between Mr. Offord and Brooksmith?
(a) Distant relations.
(b) Employee-employer.
(c) Intimate friends.
(d) Father and son.

11. Who is Pemberton?
(a) A gentleman.
(b) A tutor.
(c) A lawyer.
(d) A student.

12. How does James characterize the Monarchs as models?
(a) Fidgety.
(b) Uncreative.
(c) Inventive.
(d) Useless.

13. What does Pemberton neglect to ask Mrs. Moreen?
(a) Where he will stay.
(b) What his hours will be.
(c) What he will be responsible for, exactly.
(d) How much he will be paid.

14. The Monarchs ask the main character for ___________.
(a) Paintings to buy.
(b) Work as models.
(c) Referrals to a painter.
(d) Portraits.

15. How does Morgan die?
(a) From malaria.
(b) From shock to find out that his parents were actually broke.
(c) From a broken heart for what he thought was Pemberton's betrayal.
(d) From tuberculosis.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the main character's response to this insistence?

2. What does Morgan urge Pemberton to do?

3. What does the publisher believe is the reason for Julianne Bordereau wearing a certain accessory in his presence?

4. What was the crowd like that came to Mr. Offord's house?

5. What is the publisher's rent?

(see the answer keys)

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