Tales of Henry James: The Texts of the Stories, the Author on His Craft, Background and Criticism Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tales of Henry James: The Texts of the Stories, the Author on His Craft, Background and Criticism Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Art of Fiction.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is it that requires Mr. Oliver Offord to stay home?
(a) His bad leg.
(b) His ailing mother.
(c) His responsibilities.
(d) His health.

2. What is the reason for the Monarchs' insistence?
(a) They have a lot to lose.
(b) They are the real thing.
(c) They deserve help.
(d) They have assistance to offer.

3. What does May Bartram buy in London?
(a) A house.
(b) A golden bowl.
(c) A pet bird.
(d) A necklace.

4. Who haunts the house on jolly corner?
(a) Spencer Brydon's former self.
(b) Spencer Brydon's love for Miss Staverton.
(c) The man Spencer Brydon could have been.
(d) Spencer Brydon's father.

5. How does the telegraph operator help Lady Bradeen and Captain Everard?
(a) She contains the fallout of their affair.
(b) She poses as Captain Everard's lover for the sake of Lady Bradeen's husband.
(c) She prevents Lady Bradeen's husband from finding out.
(d) She hides their correspondence from investigators.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is the telegraph office located in ''In the Cage'?

2. How does James characterize the relationship between May Bartram and John Marcher?

3. What assurance does Dr. Hugh give Dencombe?

4. What is Brooksmith's reaction to Mr. Offord's death?

5. What happens to Lady Bradeen's husband after he discovers his wife's affair?

(see the answer key)

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