Tales of a Female Nomad: Living at Large in the World Test | Final Test - Easy

Rita Golden Gelman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tales of a Female Nomad: Living at Large in the World Test | Final Test - Easy

Rita Golden Gelman
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the treasure Tu Aji's ancestors found in the caves?
(a) Gold.
(b) Silver.
(c) Jewels.
(d) Birds.

2. What concerns Rita about the children in the mountain villages?
(a) They have no business sense.
(b) They are nutritionally deficient.
(c) They are sassy.
(d) They run too free.

3. Why does Rita leave Bali to go the United States?
(a) To check on her mother.
(b) She wants to get an apartment.
(c) She is tired of Bali.
(d) She doesn't want to be reminded of Tu Nini.

4. What happens during her visit to her mother in the United States?
(a) Her daughter is in a car accident.
(b) The hired help quits.
(c) Her mother dies.
(d) Her son gets engaged.

5. What does Rita feel about the animals after tracking them for a day?
(a) She is in awe.
(b) She is amazed by their intelligence.
(c) She doesn't understand why people spend time studying them.
(d) She is disgusted with their habits.

6. What job does Rita do while living in Dayu Raka's house?
(a) She is a fill-in nurse.
(b) She translates for the museum.
(c) She drives the car for the family.
(d) She teaches children daily.

7. What does Tu Nini do before she dies?
(a) She asks for permission to die.
(b) She writes a letter.
(c) She cleans the house.
(d) She calls all her closest friends and relatives in to say goodbye.

8. What does Rita think about Hans?
(a) She thinks they can become good friends over time.
(b) They become immediate friends.
(c) She distrusts him.
(d) She dislikes him immediately.

9. What does Rita think of sago, the main food staple of the tree village?
(a) She loves it.
(b) She thinks it is dry and flavorless, but eats it anyway.
(c) She asks for the recipe.
(d) She spits it out.

10. What do Jan and Rita think about spirits after their experience?
(a) They believe in spirits.
(b) They scoff at the idea of spirits.
(c) They are fearful of spirits.
(d) They think spirits are bogus.

11. What incredible gift does Rita discover Nyoman has?
(a) He's an incredible sculptor.
(b) He's a terrific chef.
(c) He has a real gift for language.
(d) He is very good with animals.

12. What does Rita have to watch out for when she bathes?
(a) Spiders.
(b) Mud slides.
(c) Parasitic worms.
(d) Crocodiles.

13. What is Rita's relationship with Tu Aji?
(a) They are polite but distant to each other.
(b) They are lovers.
(c) They become very close friends.
(d) There is outright animosity between them.

14. Why is Rita concerned about her mother?
(a) Her mother has fallen and broken her hip.
(b) Her mother's Parkinson's is getting worse.
(c) Her mother is depressed after the death of her husband.
(d) Her mother has Alzheimer's.

15. How does Rita feel after the ceremony?
(a) It feels natural to celebrate the spirit moving on.
(b) She is disgusted.
(c) She much prefers the burials back home.
(d) She is horrified that this might happen to her.

Short Answer Questions

1. What tool changes Rita's connection to her family?

2. What does Rita realize when she goes to pay for her store purchases?

3. What is Dr. Galdikas like?

4. What happens after they take Tu Nini to the healer?

5. Who flies Rita to the next village visit?

(see the answer keys)

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