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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Why does Bassanio need money at the beginning of Merchant of Venice?
(a) He wants to start a shipping business.
(b) He wants to marry a wealthy heiress.
(c) He needs to pay off gambling debts.
(d) He wants to buy land in the country.
2. What does Hermione disguise herself as at the end of The Winter's Tale?
(a) A statue.
(b) A bear.
(c) A maidservant.
(d) A man.
3. In A Midsummer Night's Dream, who tips Demetrius off to Lysander's plan to flee the city?
(a) Helena.
(b) Hippolyta.
(c) Egeus.
(d) Hermia.
4. What does the wicked queen tell Pisanio the vial of potion she gives him is?
(a) A cordial.
(b) A liquour.
(c) A tonic.
(d) A poison.
5. What name does Kent take to follow Lear in disguise?
(a) Roderigo.
(b) Crassus.
(c) Edwin.
(d) Caius.
Short Answer Questions
1. In The Winter's Tale, Polixenes is the king of what kingdom?
2. Why does Lear wander into a storm at night?
3. In A Midsummer Night's Dream, what penalty does Hermia face if she refuses he father's choice of marriage?
4. How does Lady Macbeth convince her husband to kill Duncan?
5. Which character concocts a devious plot to break up a marriage in Much Ado Ado Nothing?
Short Essay Questions
1. How does Valentine becomes the leader of bandits in Two Gentlemen of Verona?
2. Describe the interaction between Prospero and his enemies on the island at the end of The Tempest.
3. How are Cordelia and Lear reunited?
4. What is the problem among the young lovers at the beginning of A Midsummer Night's Dream?
5. How is Paulita saved from death at a young age in The Winter's Tale?
6. How does Oliver try to kill Orlando in As You Like It?
7. How does Posthumus return to Britain at the end of Cymbeline?
8. How does Portia save Antonio's life in Merchant of Venice?
9. Who does Valentine offer Silvia to Proteus at the end of Two Gentlemen of Verona?
10. Why is Posthumus banished at the beginning of Cymbeline?
This section contains 936 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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