Tales from Shakespeare Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tales from Shakespeare Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Merchant of Venice, why can Antonio not pay his bond to Shylock?
(a) His father recovers his health.
(b) His crops whither.
(c) His ships sink.
(d) His lands are seized by the state.

2. Who does Demetrius marry at the end of A Midsummer Night's Dream?
(a) Hermia.
(b) Helena.
(c) Hippolyta.
(d) Titania.

3. What does Portia disguise herself as at the end of Merchant of Venice?
(a) A knight.
(b) An accountant.
(c) A lawyer.
(d) A queen.

4. What act of fidelity do Julia and Proteus commit when parting ways at the the beginning of Two Gentlemen of Verona?
(a) He gives her a lock of his hair.
(b) They exchange rings.
(c) They pray together.
(d) He takes her portrait.

5. Why does Proteus betray Valentine's love of Silvia to the duke in Two Gentlemen of Verona?
(a) He intends to help them leave Milan.
(b) He does no know the duke has other plans for Silvia.
(c) He loves SIlvia too.
(d) He has sworn feelty to the duke.

6. In As You Like it, how does Oliver plan to kill Orlando after his initial plan fails?
(a) He will throw him from his horse.
(b) He will stab him at the church.
(c) He will burn him in his bed.
(d) He will poison his brandywine.

7. Who constantly torments Caliban at the beginning of The Tempest?
(a) Ariel.
(b) Miranda.
(c) Prospero.
(d) Ferdinand.

8. At the beginning of The Winter's Tale, what does Leontes order regarding his new daughter?
(a) She should remain with him.
(b) She should be imprisoned with her mother.
(c) She should be left to die in the wilderness.
(d) She should be given to Polixenes.

9. Which character does Nerissa fall in love with in Merchant of Venice?
(a) Antonio.
(b) Bassiano.
(c) Shylock.
(d) Gratiano.

10. What do the robbers in Two Gentlemen of Verona request of Valentine?
(a) That he give them all his gold.
(b) That he show them the way out of the wood.
(c) That he deliver a message to the duke.
(d) That he be their leader.

11. What two dangerous animals does Orlando save Oliver from in As You Like It?
(a) A lion and a snake.
(b) A wolf and a scorpion.
(c) An eagle and a shark.
(d) A bear and a tarantula.

12. Who is the beggar whose hovel Lear sleeps in during the storm?
(a) Cordelia.
(b) Kent.
(c) Edgar.
(d) The fool.

13. In A Midsummer Night's Dream, who tips Demetrius off to Lysander's plan to flee the city?
(a) Helena.
(b) Hippolyta.
(c) Egeus.
(d) Hermia.

14. In The Tempest, what important items does Prospero have that allow him to use magic on the island?
(a) Goblets.
(b) Potions.
(c) Books.
(d) Wands.

15. Where does Iachomo tell Pisanio to kill Imogen in Cymbeline?
(a) Wales.
(b) Southhampton.
(c) Scotland.
(d) Ireland.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Hermione disguise herself as at the end of The Winter's Tale?

2. What name does Kent take to follow Lear in disguise?

3. In what city does A Midsummer Night's Dream begin?

4. What head of state is with Antonio on the ship in The Tempest?

5. What good news does Antonio learn after winning his case against Shylock?

(see the answer keys)

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