The Tale of Genji Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Tale of Genji Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was Ukifune leaning against when first found near the Uji river?
(a) A tree root.
(b) A tall fern.
(c) A large rock.
(d) An oak tree.

2. Who does Niou send to Uji to ask about Ukifune's whereabouts?
(a) Tamakazura.
(b) Kaoru.
(c) Tokikata.
(d) General Higekuro.

3. Where does Ukifune end up at the end of the novel?
(a) Suma.
(b) Tokyo.
(c) Kyoto.
(d) The Ono Village.

4. What does Kaoru fear toward the end of the novel?
(a) That he will die young.
(b) That he will live a life of loneliness.
(c) That he will become ill.
(d) The he will have much bad luck in the near future.

5. Who saves Ukifune from the Uji river?
(a) A young girl.
(b) A priest.
(c) A sage.
(d) A bishop.

6. Which man dies of grief over the Third Princess?
(a) To no Chujo.
(b) Yugiri.
(c) Kashiwagi.
(d) Kaoru.

7. Where does Nakanokimi go to visit Niou in Chapter 48?
(a) Kyoto.
(b) Tokyo.
(c) Hatsuse.
(d) Hong Kong.

8. Who does Genji trust to be with him in his preparation for his daughter's initiation?
(a) Tamakazura.
(b) To no Chujo.
(c) A few women.
(d) Yugiri.

9. Which man matches Genji in skill and charm?
(a) None.
(b) To no Chujo.
(c) Niou.
(d) Kaoru.

10. How does Genji spend the final years of his life?
(a) In seclusion.
(b) As Emporer.
(c) Still up to the same antics.
(d) With his family.

11. Who is extremely hurt by Yugiri's affair?
(a) The Second Princess.
(b) Kumoinokari.
(c) Genji.
(d) Nakanokimi.

12. To whom does Kaoru pray while in the temple during his pilgrimage?
(a) Mohammad.
(b) God.
(c) Jesus Christ.
(d) Buddha.

13. Who is Chujounokimi?
(a) Niou's new love interest.
(b) Kaoru's love interest.
(c) Ukifune's mother.
(d) Nakanokimi's mother.

14. Who sees Yugiri leaving the Second Princess's bedroom?
(a) The healer.
(b) A palace guard.
(c) Her father.
(d) Her mother.

15. How does Genji prepare for his daughter's initiation?
(a) Sends her to school.
(b) Has a mural constructed.
(c) Collects literature.
(d) Goes to the court.

Short Answer Questions

1. With Which woman does Yugiri attempt to have an affair?

2. Who does Niou attempt to find after Nakanokimi receives her letter?

3. Ukifune travels to a secluded cottage, where is it located?

4. What ceremony is Kaoru preparing for in Chapter 47?

5. How does Genji die?

(see the answer keys)

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