The Tale of Genji Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Tale of Genji Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the Empress Akikonomu send to Murasaki?
(a) An invitation.
(b) Jewels.
(c) Scarves.
(d) Autumn leaves and flowers.

2. What does Yugiri happen to hear while walking through the garden?
(a) His father playing the shamisen.
(b) Genji and Murasaki's pillow talk.
(c) Murasaki crying.
(d) Kumoinokari singing.

3. Why do Genji and To no Chujo decide to compete against each other?
(a) In good fun.
(b) To make money.
(c) To seduce a woman.
(d) The gain attention.

4. Who does Genji hurt during Chapter 9?
(a) Rokujo lady.
(b) Lady Akashi.
(c) Aoi.
(d) Fujitsubo.

5. Who is Kobai?
(a) A friend of Genji's.
(b) To no Chujo's son.
(c) The minister of the right.
(d) Genji's son.

6. Where does Genji sit to relax with Yugiri on a hot summer day?
(a) Under the grape vines.
(b) The garden.
(c) The temple.
(d) His pavilion.

7. Who is Genji's former nurse?
(a) Koremitsu.
(b) Yugao.
(c) Aoi.
(d) Fujitsubu.

8. How does the Akashi lady feel when she arrives at her new mansion?
(a) Scared.
(b) Excited.
(c) At home.
(d) Lonely.

9. Where is the Akashi lady's mansion located?
(a) Miyako.
(b) Uji.
(c) Tokyo.
(d) Suma.

10. What festival does Genji attend at the beginning of Chapter 8?
(a) The Cherry Blossoms.
(b) The Safflowers.
(c) The Orange Blossoms.
(d) The Festival of Lights.

11. What do priests attempt to do to Aoi during her pregnancy?
(a) Last rights.
(b) Blessing.
(c) Exorcisism.
(d) Baptism.

12. What does Genji think about Tamakazura's going to court?
(a) It is the perfect time.
(b) She may not be right for court.
(c) It may be too soon.
(d) She should have gone years ago.

13. What does Omiya tell Genji in Chapter 29?
(a) That she wishes to go to court.
(b) She asks Genji for a favor.
(c) She feels that she may die.
(d) That she would like to meet Tamakazura.

14. Why does Princess Asagao turn Genji down?
(a) She is in love with someone else.
(b) She is busy grieving her father.
(c) She doesn't want to be on his list of conquests.
(d) He is too old for her.

15. What does Genji discover about casual relationships with women?
(a) That they are horrible.
(b) He greatly dislikes them.
(c) He views them as unecessary.
(d) That they can be easier than passionate relationships.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is going on back in Genji's homeland during his time away?

2. From what does Genji fall ill at the end of Chapter 4?

3. What news about Tamakazura arises once she is a grown woman?

4. To whom does Yugiri send a love letter in Chapter 21?

5. Where does the Rokujo lady feel the need to travel to during Chapter 10?

(see the answer keys)

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