The Tale of Beatrix Potter Character Descriptions

Margaret Lane
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Tale of Beatrix Potter Character Descriptions

Margaret Lane
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy The Tale of Beatrix Potter Lesson Plans

Helen Beatrix Potter Heelis

This person, considered one of history's greatest children's writers, is the subject of Lane's biography.

Norman Warne

This person died of leukemia.

Mr. Rupert Potter

This person was the quiet and boring child of a great and interesting man.

Mrs. Potter

This person lived in a Victorian house near Lake Windermere.

Bertram Potter

This person died just before the end of World War I.

William Heelis

This person was a local solicitor local in Sawrey.

The Cannon Family

These people were the tenant farmers at Hill Top Farm.

The Warne Family

These people were publishers by trade.

Caroline Hutton

This person was an early socialist and feminist.

The Cromptons

These people were a legendary British family.

Miss Hammond

This person was a governess.

Canon Rawnsley

This person was a priest and political activist.

Peter Rabbit and Beatrix's Characters

These were often based on real...

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