Tai-Pan Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Tai-Pan Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who secretly owns the Oriental Times?
(a) Longstaff.
(b) May-may.
(c) Brock.
(d) Dirk.

2. When Dirk returns from the English Club following the duel challenge, who is waiting for him at his home?
(a) Tess Brock.
(b) Mary Sinclair.
(c) Wu Fang Choi.
(d) Liza Brock.

3. How does Gordon respond to Dirk when Dirk asks him if he is the leader of the Triads in Hong Kong.
(a) He says it's a lie.
(b) He admits it is true.
(c) He tells Dirk that Brock is the leader.
(d) He attacks Dirk.

4. While at the knoll, what do Dirk and Brock agree is coming?
(a) The death of Brock.
(b) The British army.
(c) The end of their trading days.
(d) A typhoon.

5. Why is Glessing angry with Longstaff in Chapter 47?
(a) Longstaff lied to him.
(b) Longstaff cheated him out of money.
(c) Longstaff suggested that Glessing go to England.
(d) Longstaff flirted with Mary.

6. Who performs the marriage of Culum and Tess?
(a) The bishop.
(b) Mauss.
(c) Dirk.
(d) Captain Orlov.

7. In Chapter 40, for how many more days does Dirk tell May-may she has to drink the tea?
(a) Four.
(b) Seven.
(c) Fifteen.
(d) One.

8. Why do some people believe the storm in Chapter 47 isn't a typhoon?
(a) The winds are from the north.
(b) There are never typhoons in Hong Kong.
(c) It isn't strong enough.
(d) It's the wrong season.

9. Who threatens to charge Culum with treason if he doesn't deliver Dirk's papers to him?
(a) Gorth.
(b) Orlov.
(c) Brock.
(d) Longstaff.

10. What happens to Dirk's factory during the second round of the storm?
(a) All of the windows are blown out.
(b) It stands strong.
(c) The western wall crumbles.
(d) The roof blows off.

11. With what kind of juice does May-may start taking her medicine?
(a) Strawberry.
(b) Cherry.
(c) Mango.
(d) Apple.

12. Who tells Dirk that dueling is outlawed in Macao?
(a) Gorth.
(b) Culum.
(c) A British officer.
(d) A Portuguese officer.

13. What cuts off Glessing's arm?
(a) A falling tree.
(b) Brock's sword.
(c) A falling flagpole.
(d) A pane of glass.

14. Whom does Culum ask to take care of the funeral arrangements for Dirk and May-may?
(a) Longstaff.
(b) Vargas.
(c) Horatio.
(d) Brock.

15. What does Dirk do while he waits for word about the missing Culum?
(a) Searches the streets for Culum.
(b) Visits a whorehouse.
(c) Tries to work.
(d) Prays.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Dirk surprised to see at the factory during the storm?

2. In Chapter 33, who tells Dirk they cannot find the bark?

3. What name does Dirk suggest for the new town in Hong Kong?

4. Who does Dirk want to introduce Zergeyev around Washington, D.C.?

5. Who do the authorities learn is the leader of the Triads in Hong Kong when they capture the assassin?

(see the answer keys)

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