Sybil Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Flora Rheta Schreiber
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sybil Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Flora Rheta Schreiber
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Sybil's friend, Danny, leaves, what personality steps in?

2. How does Vicky feel about Hattie?

3. How long did it take the author to write the book?

4. In what year and month do some of the selves decide to break away from Sybil?

5. What is Sybil's father's role?

Short Essay Questions

1. Explain what Willow Corners is to Sybil.

2. What happens to Hattie when the Depression hits the United States?

3. Why must Sybil plead mental incompetence in a court of law?

4. Describe Hattie's personality.

5. What parts of Sybil's life play into her disorder?

6. Describe the personality of Vicky.

7. Explain Sybil's feelings concerning her meetings with Dr. Wilbur.

8. Why are many children confused or uncomfortable with their parents having sex?

9. How does Sybil return to her body and come back into knowledge about what has been happening to her?

10. As the novel begins, where does the reader find Sybil Isabel Dorsett?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Several times throughout the book, different selves attempt to assert themselves over Sybil.

- How do Peggy Lou, Vanessa, Mary, and Marcia attempt to free themselves from Sybil?

- Why have the selves becomes impatient with Sybil?

Essay Topic 2

As a society, we often overlook certain traits of presumably respectable people. How do the following people overlook or ignore Hattie's "add" behavior throughout her life?

- Willard

- Grandma Dorsett

- The Dorsetts' neighbors

- Hattie's family

Essay Topic 3

Sybil creates Sid & Mike to represent the only men she has ever known.

-Describe Sid & Mike.

- How do the boys change as they are aged by Dr. Wilbur.

- Why are Sid & Mike so concerned with retaining their manhood?

-How do they resemble the demasculinization of Sybil's father?

(see the answer keys)

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