Swordspoint: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Ellen Kushner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Swordspoint: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Ellen Kushner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens when Lord Ferris tries to visit the Duchess?
(a) He is welcomed by the Duchess.
(b) He is admitted, but no one is home.
(c) He is admistted but the Duchess refuses to converse with him.
(d) He is refused admittance.

2. What is the name of the drug that Alex is on?
(a) Fool's Delight.
(b) Exquisite Folly.
(c) Dunce's Wine.
(d) Stooge's Nectar.

3. Back at his apartment, where does Richard lie down for a nap?
(a) The bed where he and Alec used to lay together.
(b) The couch where Alec used to read.
(c) The floor where Alec used to play with the kitten.
(d) The chair where Alec used to nap.

4. When Alec leaves Richard, where does Richard believe he's gone?
(a) To the courts to plead for Richard's life.
(b) Back among the rich.
(c) To another lover in the slums.
(d) Out of the country.

5. Where is Michael when he wakes after being knocked unconscious?
(a) In a tavern.
(b) In a carriage.
(c) In an empty room.
(d) In a back alley.

6. What makes Richard curious enough to follow Michael?
(a) Michael's clothes.
(b) Michael's way of walking.
(c) Michael's sword.
(d) Michael's physique.

7. What does Lord Ferris do when his plot is revealed?
(a) He escapes the courtroom and flees.
(b) He accuses Alec of treason.
(c) He denies any involvement.
(d) He pleads for the mercy of the court.

8. What does the Duchess's servant invite Richard to join the Duchess in drinking?
(a) Tea.
(b) Milk.
(c) Coffee.
(d) Hot chocolate.

9. Does Richard agree to the kidnappers' demands?
(a) Yes, immediately.
(b) No, after consideration.
(c) No, without considering it.
(d) Yes, after consideration.

10. What is Alec's attitude toward being the Duchess's heir?
(a) He wants her fortune and her power.
(b) He wants her fortune but not her power.
(c) He wants her power but not her fortune.
(d) He wants nothing to do with it.

11. Where does Richard go to find Michael?
(a) The council chamber.
(b) Michael's house.
(c) A party.
(d) A tavern on The Hill.

12. What does Lord Ferris say about the House of Tremontaine after his plot is revealed?
(a) He claims that they have mislead him.
(b) He apologizes for misrepresenting them.
(c) He accuses them of treachery against Basil.
(d) He claims that they undermine the institution of nobility.

13. What does Katherine tell Richard when she meets him at the tavern?
(a) She wants to help him find Alec.
(b) She needs his help to save Alec from trouble.
(c) She wants to protect him from noblemen like Lord Ferris.
(d) She wants to run away with him.

14. When Alec is kidnapped, where is he taken?
(a) A warehouse in the market district.
(b) The Duchess's barge.
(c) Lord Horn's estate.
(d) The back room of a tavern.

15. Who follows Alec when he leaves the theater?
(a) A woman.
(b) Two children.
(c) A nobleman.
(d) Two swordsmen.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the first injury Richard inflicts on Lord Horn?

2. What does Richard give Alec to wear when they go to the performance?

3. What is the performance Alec wants Richard to go to called?

4. What is the weather like in Chapter 19?

5. After Richard kills Lord Horn, who is looking for him?

(see the answer keys)

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