Swing Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Swing Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Early Days, Part 1, Chapter 4, what music was played during ballet class?
(a) Classical.
(b) Pop songs.
(c) Folk tunes.
(d) Opera.

2. In Early Days, Part 1, Chapter 2, what did the narrator's father do when he went to dance classes with his daughter?
(a) Read a book.
(b) Read a magazine.
(c) Slept or went for a smoke.
(d) Talked with the other parents.

3. In Early Days, Part 1, Chapter 5, what was the narrator watching girls doing down by the bins?
(a) Playing tag.
(b) Jumping rope.
(c) Playing jacks.
(d) Playing hopscotch.

4. In Chapter 7 of Early and Late, what theater did Fred Astaire dance with his sister when he was in London?
(a) Dominion Theater.
(b) Adelphi Theater.
(c) Shaftesbury Theater.
(d) Apollo Theater.

5. In Early and Late, Chapter 1, what did the narrator wear to Lily's birthday part?
(a) Dungarees.
(b) Black velvet dress.
(c) Cotton pinafores.
(d) Pink dress with ruffles.

6. In Early and Late, Chapter 2, where were the narrator's offices?
(a) Newham.
(b) Camden.
(c) Brent.
(d) London.

7. In Early Days, Part 1, Chapter 10, what news did Tracey tell the narrator and her father?
(a) That she was going to go to the narrator's school.
(b) That she was going to a private school.
(c) That she won a dance contest.
(d) That she won an award in reading class.

8. In Early and Late, Chapter 3, how tall was Aimee?
(a) 5 feet 6 inches.
(b) 5 feet 2 inches.
(c) 5 feet 8 inches.
(d) 5 feet 4 inches.

9. In Intermission, Part 3, Chapter 4, out of Amimee's four female assistants, when did one have a child?
(a) Early 30s.
(b) Late 20s.
(c) Late-40s.
(d) Mid-40s.

10. In Early and Late, Chapter 3, what was Aimee allergic to?
(a) Peanut.
(b) Strawberries.
(c) Shellfish.
(d) Walnuts.

11. In Early and Late, Chapter 3, what color clothes did the narrator buy to wear when she met Aimee?
(a) Green.
(b) White.
(c) Black.
(d) Yellow.

12. In Early Days, Part 1, Chapter 12, what did Tracey show the narrator that she said belonged to her father?
(a) Rifle.
(b) Marijuana.
(c) Whiskey bottle.
(d) Gun.

13. In Intermission, Part 3, Chapter 3, how long did the narrator say it had been since she talked to Tracey?
(a) 5 years.
(b) 8 years.
(c) 11 months.
(d) 15 months.

14. In Early Days, Part 1, Chapter 5, what was the narrator's mother wearing on her head?
(a) Beret.
(b) Scarf.
(c) Straw hat.
(d) Baseball cap.

15. In Chapter 5 of Early and Late, which child was Aimee pregnant with?
(a) Chloe.
(b) Zoe.
(c) Megan.
(d) Kara.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Intermission Part 3, Chapter 1, how many miles does Aimee do?

2. How old was Aimee when Kara was born?

3. In Intermission, Part 3, Chapter 2, in Time Square, what clothing company ad did the narrator notice?

4. In Intermission, Part 3, Chapter 3, where was the doorman from that the narrator slept with in London?

5. In Intermission, Part 3, Chapter 3, how long did Aimee say that she had known Judy?

(see the answer keys)

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