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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. What does Najamai smell in her kitchen upon returning to it after the theft?
(a) Meat.
(b) Ammonia.
(c) Cloves.
(d) Spilled perfume.
2. What does Kersi read to cure himself of the blues?
(a) Sherlock Holmes mysteries.
(b) Books of poetry.
(c) Enid Blyton books.
(d) The Trilogy of the Rings.
3. Why does Jaakaylee leave her hometown to come to Bombay?
(a) For a job.
(b) To attend college.
(c) To get married.
(d) To escape her family.
4. What used to make Kersi very happy to go up to Najamai's flat?
(a) Seeing Najamai's daughters.
(b) Seeing the fridge.
(c) The coolness of the fridge.
(d) Chasing creatures.
5. Why does Dr. Mody earn the respect of the people of the Baag?
(a) He keeps the cats in the yard safe.
(b) He keeps Pesi in line.
(c) He deals well with management issues.
(d) He gets all a rent decrease.
Short Answer Questions
1. What does Jaakaylee want the bai to purchase in order to make life easier?
2. What is Francis's job in Firozsha Baag?
3. What did Minocher wear to Sarosh-Sid's wedding when the groom did not wish to wear it?
4. Who cries out, "Help! Oh quickly! Thief!"?
5. Who has a long white beard, has a paunch and is nearly seventy-five years old?
Short Essay Questions
1. How does Mrs. Mody feel about Jehangir's visits to her home on Sunday mornings?
2. Why does Daulat refuse a gift of a portable tape recorder from her nephew Sarosh?
3. What stops the neighborhood children from making fun of Jaakaylee's visions of a ghost?
4. How does Silloo reason away her free use of Naramjai's fridge?
5. What are Rustomji's feelings toward their gunga, Gajra?
6. Before Najamai purchased her fridge, how did Tehmina acquire the ice she needed?
7. What specially-made recording does Daulat imagine she would have made for Nasjamai if she had the tape recorder?
8. Why, when the Firozsha Baag gets a new paint job, is the exterior of every flat painted except Rustomji's?
9. What makes Rustomji decide that he can go to the front of a very long line of people waiting for the A-1 bus?
10. What leads Tehmina to believe that Francis is much stronger than his slight body build shows?
This section contains 1,081 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |
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