Swimming Lessons Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Swimming Lessons Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. in "Lend Me Your Light," what do tiffin carriers deliver to the school?
(a) Lunches.
(b) Late notes.
(c) Notebooks.
(d) Homework assignments.

2. In "Exercisers," what do Jehangir's parents want Bhagwan Baba to decide about?
(a) The direction of their journey.
(b) A suitability of a girl.
(c) Father's luck with a job.
(d) Jehangir's health.

3. Where do the most sophisticated boys in college come from?
(a) Boys' schools.
(b) Co-educational schools.
(c) Non-English medium schools.
(d) Home schools.

4. What are Bhagwan Baba's words of advice?
(a) "Life is a trap, full of webs."
(b) "Do the best thing for Jehingar."
(c) "Avoid the girl."
(d) "A higher force impells you."

5. What is Jehangir tempted to do when he hides in the hedges of the playground to watch the exercisers after having seen Bhagwan Baba?
(a) Run away with Behroze.
(b) Leave home.
(c) Exercise with the men.
(d) Step out and laugh at the men.

6. Why are there so many calendars hanging in Kersi's house?
(a) To hide the crumbling walls.
(b) They are the considered works of art.
(c) To keep the Parsi religiion alive.
(d) In order to keep track of different dates.

7. What is a ghaton?
(a) A money-lender.
(b) An airplane pilot.
(c) A farmer.
(d) A servant.

8. Who is Mamajii?
(a) Kersi's grandmother.
(b) The neighbor, Nariman.
(c) Viraf's mother.
(d) Kersi's mother.

9. What subject is Nariman's first story of the evening about?
(a) Pole-vaulting.
(b) Hunting.
(c) Bicycling.
(d) Cricket.

10. What brave thing did Kersi do on the cricket field one day?
(a) Block a shot with his bare skin.
(b) Scored ten times.
(c) Quit playing cricket.
(d) Ran in the blistering sun.

11. Why is Viraf so distraught by the end of "Of White Hairs and Crickets?"
(a) He can no longer play cricket.
(b) His father is very sick.
(c) His family has to move.
(d) He is ill.

12. Where does Jehangir end up sleeping after his date with Behroze at her home?
(a) In his car.
(b) At Behroze's home.
(c) Outside his apartment door.
(d) In his own bed.

13. Why is it that Khorshedbai does not get rid of her noisy bangles in "The Paying Guests?"
(a) Not to offend Ardessar.
(b) The elegent look they give her.
(c) For the money they are worth.
(d) They announce her presence.

14. What does Nariman expect to hear from the boys at suspenseful parts of his stories?
(a) Laughter.
(b) Guesses as to what happens next.
(c) Questions as to what comes next.
(d) The answers to his questions.

15. At the end of "Squatter," what tale does Nariman agree to tell the next time?
(a) Savukshaw the artist.
(b) More about Sarosh's time in Canada.
(c) About Rustomji-the-curmudgeon.
(d) Savukshaw the hunter.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does CNI stand for?

2. What school degree does Mr. Karani hold?

3. Who gives Kordshedbai a gift in the night, according to the dream she has?

4. What does Khorshedbai place on the veranda every morning?

5. What does Jehangir's mother tell him will happen if he returns home after eight o'clock at night?

(see the answer keys)

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