Swimming Lessons Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Swimming Lessons Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Condolence Visit," what is Daulat's one fervent prayer?
(a) For Minocher to die with dignity.
(b) That Minocher would receive a miracle cure.
(c) To tell her visitors how her husband died.
(d) For mourners to arrive after one month.

2. Why are the children and adults in Firozsha Baag making fun of Jaakaylee?
(a) She sleeps in the hallways.
(b) She walks with a limp.
(c) She is dark-skinned.
(d) She claims to see a ghost.

3. What does the bai do when she sees Jaakaylee on the balcony upon returning home late at night?
(a) She yells in anger.
(b) She screams.
(c) She laughs out loud.
(d) She waves.

4. What does someone steal on Jehangir's behalf?
(a) Coins.
(b) Chewing gum.
(c) Pencils.
(d) Stamps.

5. What used to make Kersi very happy to go up to Najamai's flat?
(a) Chasing creatures.
(b) The coolness of the fridge.
(c) Seeing Najamai's daughters.
(d) Seeing the fridge.

6. Who is Vera?
(a) A thief.
(b) Tehmina's sister.
(c) Francis's maid.
(d) Najamai's daughter.

7. What did Daulat's grandmother's death inadvertently introduce to several boys in the Baag?
(a) Stamp Collecting.
(b) Reading.
(c) Cooking.
(d) Music.

8. What does Kersi do his cricket bat at the end of the story, "One Sunday?"
(a) Puts on the rubber grip.
(b) Smashes it.
(c) Untangles the cord.
(d) Repairs it again.

9. How much does Daulat sell the pugree for?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Five hundred rupees.
(c) Ten rupees.
(d) One hundred rupees.

10. What is Francis's job in Firozsha Baag?
(a) He collects the garbage.
(b) He is the elevator operator.
(c) He does odd jobs.
(d) He is the doorman.

11. Who does Daulat's cousin, Moti, bring with her on her condolence visit?
(a) Her mother.
(b) Her grandchildren.
(c) Her servant.
(d) Her husband.

12. What does Mehroo see parked outside the fire-temple?
(a) A fire truck.
(b) Motorcycles.
(c) Police cars.
(d) An ambulance.

13. What does Daulat purchase from one of the vendors in the Firozsha Baag?
(a) More lamp oil.
(b) Potatoes and onions.
(c) Fish.
(d) A few rags.

14. What does Daulat do once she is alone after Moti and Najamai leave?
(a) Snuffs out the oil lamp.
(b) Regrets getting rid of the pugree.
(c) Cries.
(d) Goes to sleep.

15. Who finally believes that Jaakaylee sees a bhoot?
(a) Father D'Silva.
(b) Cajetan.
(c) Bai.
(d) Seth.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Nasjamai offer to Daulat as a help after dusmoo?

2. What music passes through Daulat's mind as she remembers going to a concert with Minocher?

3. What is the most likely meaning of the word "gunga" in the story?

4. What is a bhoot?

5. Where does Jaakaylee come from?

(see the answer keys)

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