Sweet Whispers, Brother Rush Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sweet Whispers, Brother Rush Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 119 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does M'Vy object to the things Tree tells her about he funeral?
(a) It isn't what Dab would want.
(b) It was what Tree wanted, not what Dab wanted.
(c) That Dab wouldn't notice what they did.
(d) She doesn't have the money.

2. Who is driving with Brother Rush?
(a) M'Vy.
(b) Tree's father.
(c) Dab.
(d) Brother Rush's girlfriend.

3. What wakes Tree up, after she decides to run away?
(a) She hears an odd noise from the little room.
(b) Miss Pricherd is cleaning Dab's room.
(c) She thought she heard Dab calling her.
(d) Her mother and Silversmith are getting ready to go out.

4. What does M'Vy hint is wrong with Dab?
(a) A childhood accident.
(b) A blood illness.
(c) A birth defect.
(d) Religious retribution for her sins.

5. What is Tree's response when M'Vy comes home?
(a) She becomes hysterical.
(b) She tries to hide from her.
(c) She runs to the little room looking for Brother Rush.
(d) She tries to convince her how sick Dab is.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does the narrator say M'Vy feels when she takes care of Dab?

2. What does Miss Pricherd tell Tree?

3. Why has Brother Rush covered his face, in Tree's vision?

4. Who is Don?

5. What does Tree call Miss Pricherd?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Tree tell M'Vy about Dab's funeral?

2. What does Tree see when she and M'Vy are transported back to the past together?

3. What does Tree learn when she sees Brother Rush after Dab's death?

4. What does M'Vy say when Tree and Dab tell her about their experiences with Brother Rush?

5. How is the relationship with Tree and Miss Pricherd different at the end of the book?

6. What does M'Vy tell Tree about her brothers and Dab?

7. What new information does Tree learn about Brother Rush's death, when they are checking in at the hospital?

8. What does M'Vy tell Tree is wrong with Dab?

9. Describe Brother Rush's house, when Brother Rush takes Tree and Dab there.

10. What is Tree's nightmare?

(see the answer keys)

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