Sweat Test | Final Test - Easy

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Sweat Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 163 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What adjective does Old Man Anderson use to describe his view of what kind of man Sykes had always been?
(a) Haughty.
(b) Proud.
(c) Overbearing.
(d) Mean.

2. What does the narrator say "pleased him for Delia to see" (4) when Sykes is ordering at Joe Clarke's store?
(a) His flagrant abuse of her pony with his bullwhip.
(b) His mistress accompanying him out in public.
(c) His determination to ignore her.
(d) The spending of her money.

3. What is NOT one event listed as taking place during the dog days of summer in Eatonville?
(a) Leaves browning.
(b) Snakes shedding.
(c) Grass withering.
(d) Swimming holes drying up.

4. What does Old Man Anderson suggest that the men do to Sykes and Bertha in Lake Howell swamp?
(a) Whip them.
(b) Drown them.
(c) Bury them up to their necks.
(d) Imprison them there.

5. What adjective does Sykes delightedly use to describe Bertha's shape?
(a) Portly.
(b) Chubby.
(c) Meaty.
(d) Statuesque.

6. Delia tells Sykes that she now hates him to the same degree that what?
(a) That Sykes hates her.
(b) That she used to love Sykes.
(c) That Sykes loves Bertha.
(d) She hates the devil.

7. What does Delia nearly do as a result of being pushed by Sykes when he is blocking the kitchen doorway?
(a) She nearly falls down onto the porch.
(b) She nearly claws Sykes's arm.
(c) She nearly steps on the soap box.
(d) She nearly falls off the steps.

8. What day does Sykes say he has almost forgotten it is when he is about to leave the store with Bertha?
(a) Monday.
(b) Friday.
(c) Sunday.
(d) Saturday.

9. For how long has Bertha been living in Eatonville on the day Sykes takes her to the store?
(a) Four months.
(b) Two weeks.
(c) One week.
(d) Three months.

10. What beverage does Sykes drink slowly and deliberately before he responds to Delia's request that he remove the snake?
(a) Coffee.
(b) Strawberry soda.
(c) Lemonade.
(d) Water.

11. What does Delia do at the kitchen table just before she stands up and tells Sykes that she hates him?
(a) She clears the table.
(b) She throws her cup against the wall.
(c) She pushes her plate away.
(d) She yanks on the tablecloth.

12. What tool does Joe Clarke offer to lend the men so they can cut the watermelon for sharing?
(a) His bowie knife.
(b) His machete.
(c) His switchblade.
(d) His meat knife.

13. What simile does the narrator use to describe the snake's fangs curving into the covering of its soap box?
(a) Scimitars.
(b) Needles.
(c) String bows.
(d) Door latches.

14. What event does Sykes cite as the only one that will prompt him to get rid of the snake?
(a) When hell freezes over.
(b) When winter comes.
(c) When he decides to get rid of the snake.
(d) When the snake bites someone.

15. What reason does Sykes provide for his conclusion that the snake would never bite him?
(a) Because he has already de-fanged the snake.
(b) Because the snake knows it would be killed.
(c) Because he knows how to handle the snake.
(d) Because snakes do not bite masculine men.

Short Answer Questions

1. What idiom does Sykes use to describe his suggested action for anyone who does not like the snake?

2. Why does Delia pay little attention to the soap box when she first sees it?

3. Who first entreats Joe to bring a melon from the store and to slice it up for the men?

4. What reason does Sykes provide for his conclusion that the snake would never bite Delia?

5. What action does Dave say causes Bertha to look like a particular animal?

(see the answer keys)

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