Sweat: Play Test | Final Test - Medium

Lynn Nottage
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 182 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sweat: Play Test | Final Test - Medium

Lynn Nottage
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 182 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Chris and Jason are watching the Olympics in the bar, what sport does Jason say is not a sport?
(a) Synchronized swimming.
(b) Downhill skiing.
(c) Snowboarding.
(d) Rhythmic gymnastics.

2. Who is celebrating a birthday in the bar when Cynthia arrives late and apologizes?
(a) Jessie.
(b) Brucie.
(c) Tracey.
(d) Chris.

3. For what action does Tracey suggest that the Olstead bosses get rewarded with tax breaks?
(a) Hiring minorities.
(b) Providing safety training.
(c) Laying off workers.
(d) Using clean energy.

4. By what percentage does Olstead's want to cut all of the factory workers' pay?
(a) 30%.
(b) 25%.
(c) 60%.
(d) 40%.

5. What product does the Olstead plant produce?
(a) Window frames.
(b) Cars.
(c) Steel tubing.
(d) Speakers.

Short Answer Questions

1. At what location does Oscar tell Tracey he has seen a posting for employment opportunities at Olstead's?

2. What is Cynthia's first reaction to being called names by Jessie and Tracey during the factory lock-out?

3. What item does Oscar produce in order to prove to Tracey that Olstead's is advertising employment opportunities?

4. What metaphor does Jessie use when describing how meeting her future husband and getting into the groove of working at the factory had caused her life to stagnate?

5. Cynthia tells Stan that when she had first started at Olstead's, she had felt like she had been invited into what kind of club?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the mood of Jessie's birthday party change when Tracey arrives?

2. What does Cynthia say is the only upside of the trouble at Olstead's during the labor dispute?

3. What is Cynthia's response to Tracey's accusation that the bosses have probably sent Cynthia to the bar?

4. What emotion does Cynthia express to Chris that she has been feeling since his incarceration?

5. How is the danger of nostalgia portrayed in Tracey's long story about her grandfather while she is standing outside of the bar with Oscar?

6. What is significant about Brucie giving Chris back his $10 once he hears of the trouble at the factory?

7. What does Tracey mean when she says that Oscar does not know her during their conversation outside the bar?

8. After the factory lock-out, what hypothesis does Cynthia share with Stan about why she may have been hired in the first place?

9. How does the playwright reveal to the audience how serious Jessie had been about her plans to travel the world before she had taken a job at Olstead's at age 18?

10. How does the playwright demonstrate through Brucie's struggle that people in town look out for one another?

(see the answer keys)

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