Sweat: Play Test | Final Test - Easy

Lynn Nottage
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 182 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sweat: Play Test | Final Test - Easy

Lynn Nottage
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 182 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. After Tracey sees Oscar's flyer advertising employment at Olstead's, in what location does she see more of the same fliers?
(a) At the unemployment office.
(b) At the gas station.
(c) At the union office.
(d) At the library.

2. Who is the president of the union at Olstead's?
(a) Tracey.
(b) Lester.
(c) Chris.
(d) Stan.

3. On her birthday, where does Cynthia tell Stan she would like to be?
(a) The Panama Canal.
(b) The Dead Sea.
(c) Lake Mead.
(d) The Mediterranean Sea.

4. What does Tracey say Cynthia can tell the managers she will do before she lets them take her life away?
(a) Move away.
(b) Shoot up the factory.
(c) Kill herself.
(d) Burn the factory down.

5. Where had Felix gotten the world map that he and Jessie used to use as a sort of talisman connected to their dreams of travel?
(a) From his mother.
(b) From Jessie's grandmother.
(c) From an atlas in the library.
(d) From the wall of their high school classroom.

6. What name does Tracey call Cynthia when seeing her for the first time since the factory lock-out?
(a) Benedict Arnold.
(b) Traitor.
(c) Bitch.
(d) Backstabber.

7. In the summer of 2000, what does the news report at the start of Act 1, Scene 7 say is happening to the violent crime rates in Reading, Pennsylvania?
(a) They are rising.
(b) There is no violent crime in Reading, Pennsylvania.
(c) They are remaining static.
(d) They are going down.

8. Who does Cynthia blame for Chris's incarceration?
(a) Tracey.
(b) Brucie.
(c) Jason.
(d) Stan.

9. Who asks Chris if he had worn a helmet while riding on Jason's new motorcycle?
(a) Cynthia.
(b) Stan.
(c) Jessie.
(d) Tracey.

10. What does Chris say is the reason he did not enroll in college fall semester?
(a) He wanted to work overtime instead.
(b) He wanted to attend a university in California the following semester.
(c) He did not see the point.
(d) He could not afford it.

11. What is the main piece of advice Chris's father gives him when it becomes clear that Olstead's is preparing for a fight with its workers?
(a) Take the small concessions.
(b) Give up now.
(c) Start cutting back on expenses.
(d) Move to a different city.

12. To what animal does Cynthia compare the managers at Olstead's?
(a) Vipers.
(b) Termites.
(c) Sharks.
(d) Rats.

13. In addition to her car payments, what other bill is Cynthia most concerned about being able to pay?
(a) Her electric bill.
(b) Brucie's rent.
(c) Chris's tuition bill.
(d) Her mortgage.

14. How many employees did the City of Reading fire in May of 2000, as stated in the news briefing at the start of Scene 5 of Act 1?
(a) 12.
(b) 500.
(c) 50.
(d) 250.

15. When Chris and Jason are watching the Olympics in the bar, what sport does Jason say is not a sport?
(a) Downhill skiing.
(b) Snowboarding.
(c) Rhythmic gymnastics.
(d) Synchronized swimming.

Short Answer Questions

1. For what action does Tracey suggest that the Olstead bosses get rewarded with tax breaks?

2. By what percentage does Olstead's want to cut all of the factory workers' pay?

3. In addition to some supermarket vouchers, what else does Tracey say they had offered her at the union office when she went in?

4. What does Cynthia cite as making up half of her job as floor manager at Olstead's?

5. What metaphor does Jessie use when describing how meeting her future husband and getting into the groove of working at the factory had caused her life to stagnate?

(see the answer keys)

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