Swan Song Test | Final Test - Hard

Robert R. McCammon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Swan Song Test | Final Test - Hard

Robert R. McCammon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. After the contents of the wagon are tampered with, what does Swan recover?

2. What does Swan sense in the Moody's tree?

3. What does Robin offer to Swan just before he accidentally confesses his love for her?

4. What has happened to Swan when Josh finds her next to Mule in the morning?

5. Why did Vulcevic and his family come to Mary's Rest?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Robin decide to help Sister's group?

2. Why does Robin want to see Swan?

3. How is Swan's group welcomed to Mary's Rest?

4. What does Hugh say about the state of the western part of the United States ?

5. What bothers Swan about the dead child at the lake?

6. What happens between Swan and the evil man at the apple truck?

7. Based on events at Mary's Rest and within the Army of Excellence, what effect do the Job's Masks appear to have on their wearer's faces?

8. How does Swan defeat Friend in the end?

9. Why does the former President want to activate the doomsday device?

10. What is Sister's mission, and what signs guide her on the way?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Throughout the novel, many characters sacrifice themselves for causes they believe are more important than themselves. These decisions are obviously not easy, but they are made quickly and with no regrets.

1) Explain the sacrifices that Leona and Rusty make for Swan's sake.

2) Explain Macklin's sacrifice at the end of the novel. Why was this action relatively unexpected? Discuss whether or not this act does anything to redeem Macklin.

3) Discuss why some characters become quickly resolved to lay down their lives, whereas others do not rise to the challenge.

4) Explain the importance of the theme of sacrifice to the overall theme of forgiveness and redemption in the novel.

Essay Topic 2

Swan and the evil man are set up as diametrically opposed forces that eventually come into conflict near the end of the novel.

1) Describe Swan as a character and explain her powers. Discuss her capacities for forgiveness and compassion and their narrative importance.

2) Explain the evil man's powers, goals, and potential origins.

3) Explain how Swan and the evil man's personalities and goals stand in direct contradiction of one another.

4) Discuss some of the encounters between Swan and the evil man. Explain why he is unable to defeat Swan.

Essay Topic 3

The glass ring is a potent artifact that exhibits a wide range of magical powers. It drives the story forward at many points, and guides Sister through most of her quest. When Swan receives the ring, it exhibits a new range of powers, and it is clearly intended for her use. Sister describes it as her "crown."

1) Explain the glass ring's origin and its known powers. What does it provide to anyone who uses it? Are its powers limitless or finite?

2) Discuss the affects of the dream walking that the ring causes. Does there appear to be intelligence and intent behind the visions that dream walkers experience?

3) Discuss the importance of the ring to Swan. What powers does it give to her, and how does it react to her presence?

(see the answer keys)

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