Swan Song Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Robert R. McCammon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Swan Song Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Robert R. McCammon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whom did Sister see in the dream walk she had after she and Artie escaped from Doyle?
(a) Roland and Macklin.
(b) Darleen.
(c) The Spanish woman.
(d) Josh and Swan.

2. What does Roland realize will be the best source of power for himself and Macklin?
(a) Macklin's military experience.
(b) Persuasion.
(c) Their weapons.
(d) Sheila's drugs.

3. How does Macklin's inner voice react to what he discovers when he is called away by Perimeter Control?
(a) It is frightened.
(b) It gloats over his misfortune.
(c) It is excited.
(d) It is indifferent.

4. Rusty Weathers belonged to what kind of an organization?
(a) A circus.
(b) A local government.
(c) A paramilitary force.
(d) An acting troupe.

5. What was Josh Hutchins' former profession?
(a) Police officer.
(b) Private detective.
(c) Coast guard diver.
(d) Football player.

Short Answer Questions

1. The President's council advises him to set the Defcon status to what level when United States borders are threatened?

2. What does Leona think she sees in Josh's face?

3. What does Sister Creep leave behind as she runs through Manhattan after emerging from the subway tunnels?

4. What does Josh find that has begun to grow where Swan has been sleeping?

5. What happens immediately after Swan senses danger?

Short Essay Questions

1. What disagreement does Colonel Macklin have with the builders of Earth House?

2. How do Roland, Macklin, and Warner plan to gain access to Earth House's emergency stores? How successful is their plan?

3. What special powers does the glass ring exhibit as Sister and her group begin to use it?

4. What does Doyle do to the members of Sister's group and why?

5. What unusual abilities does Swan seem to possess?

6. How does Sister Creep react to seeing the Spanish woman's dead child?

7. Describe the problem that occurs at Earth House just after the nuclear attacks begin.

8. What is the state of the survivors in PawPaw's shelter at the end of Chapter 17?

9. What happens to Roland's parents during the fighting in Earth House?

10. What does Roland do for Colonel Macklin?

(see the answer keys)

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