Swan Song Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert R. McCammon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Swan Song Test | Final Test - Easy

Robert R. McCammon
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Josh discover in the barn where he takes Mule?
(a) A printing press.
(b) A vintage car.
(c) A distillery.
(d) A working power generator.

2. What does Robin think of Swan when he sees her?
(a) He thinks she is the most beautiful girl he has ever seen.
(b) He thinks she is not special in any way.
(c) He is repulsed by her Job's Mask.
(d) He is unimpressed with her.

3. Whom does Sister demand to see in Mary's Rest?
(a) The evil man.
(b) Swan.
(c) The town's leader.
(d) Josh.

4. What happens to the barn where Mule is resting?
(a) It catches fire.
(b) It collapses.
(c) It begins to reek of sulfur.
(d) Its door is suddenly blown off.

5. How does Roland feel about what his Job's Mask might reveal when it falls off?
(a) He is indifferent.
(b) He is very interested.
(c) He is afraid.
(d) He is excited.

6. What was Glory's husband's profession?
(a) Police officer.
(b) Doctor.
(c) Preacher.
(d) Teacher.

7. How does Robin help lead Sister's group to Mary's Rest?
(a) He has a map.
(b) He sees the light from the fire.
(c) He moves ahead to find it for them.
(d) He knows the way very well.

8. The American Allegiance was led by an individual who formerly held what profession?
(a) Politician.
(b) Wrestler.
(c) Televangelist.
(d) Lawyer.

9. What security measure does Friend bypass on Warwick Mountain?
(a) Beat traps.
(b) Tripwires.
(c) Security cameras.
(d) An electrified fence.

10. How much time does Roland give the American Allegiance to provide the Army of Excellence with supplies?
(a) One day.
(b) Two days.
(c) Six hours.
(d) A week.

11. What happens to the tree that Swan interacted with at the Moody's farm?
(a) It comes to life.
(b) It flowers unexpectedly.
(c) New trees grow up around it.
(d) It bears hundreds of fruits overnight.

12. When Macklin summons Sheila to his tent, what does he want her to do for him?
(a) Kill someone.
(b) Leave the army.
(c) Act as a spy.
(d) Bring him an important artifact.

13. When Sister gives the glass ring to Swan, what does she feel is over?
(a) Her quest.
(b) Her sad days.
(c) Her life.
(d) Her dream walking.

14. The dead child at the lake in Mary's Rest died while _____________.
(a) Playing.
(b) Searching for roots.
(c) Swimming.
(d) Gathering reeds.

15. What abnormality did Ben Caidin have before the mask grew over his face?
(a) Incised teeth.
(b) A malformed jaw.
(c) A terrible scar.
(d) A cleft chin.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was mined at Warwick Mountain before the blast?

2. Why does the evil man destroy the mirror?

3. What does Swan sense in the Moody's tree?

4. Who threatens Swan and Sister for information about the location of the glass ring?

5. How does the evil man acquire the truck?

(see the answer keys)

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