Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When had Katie found a package on her doorstep?
(a) When Matt calls her and tells her to look on her doorstep.
(b) After returning from the ferry ride.
(c) After she got out of bed from sleeping two days.
(d) When she comes home from work.

2. What is Jean doing on the roof?
(a) Working on a television atenna.
(b) Fixing the fireplace flashing.
(c) Replacing some broken shingles.
(d) Looking through her telescope.

3. What has Katie done to make her home cozy?
(a) Gathered things around her from her family.
(b) Used lots of vibrant colors.
(c) Used a lot of antiques.
(d) Used big pillows and other overstuffed things.

4. How is Matt's hair described?
(a) A buzz cut.
(b) Short and masculine.
(c) A long pony tail down his back.
(d) As a little long.

5. Where can Katie imagine Suzanne?
(a) In the morgue.
(b) Playing with Nicholas at the lake.
(c) Rolling on the floor playing with the dog.
(d) In a cottage by the ocean.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who meets at the Kennedy wedding?

2. What time does Katie arrive home?

3. What did Matt send Katie every day in June?

4. What does Suzanne say Melanie always has?

5. Why do Suzanne and Matt go to his house after going to a blues club?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Suzanne's relationship with Michael Bernstein.

2. What does Katie realize as she slams the diary shut and what does she need?

3. What does Katie imagine about Suzanne and Matt as she is sobbing?

4. What does Katie do when she takes a break from reading Suzanne's diary?

5. What does Suzanne write about Gus?

6. Why does Michael end the relationship with Suzanne?

7. What does Suzanne say about Matt's house?

8. What does Katie remember about the night she and Matt made love and Katie becomes pregnant?

9. Describe what happens on July 18.

10. What had Katie done on July 19th, and what had she received the same day?

(see the answer keys)

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