Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What gets lodged in Adam's eye?
2. What is Tender's perfume actually?
3. What does Tender inform the reader of at the end of chapter 4?
4. Where is the Creedish land located?
5. How many copies of the Book of Very Common Prayer are sold?
Short Essay Questions
1. How do Tender and Adam "lose" Fertility on their cross-country trip after the Super Bowl?
2. What does the agent and his team do to Tender while he is in New York? Why?
3. What evidence do the police have to suspect Tender of the murders of the agent and the caseworker?
4. Is Fertility having more feelings for Tender after the Super Bowl? What evidence is there of this?
5. What is Fertility's job? Explain Tender's reaction to it.
6. Describe the PornFill project and what it ultimately does.
7. Why is it important for Tender to get married at the Super Bowl?
8. Where does Tender get the miracles he predicts on Tender Branson's Miracle Minute?
9. What does Adam say that the Creedish did to the tenders and the biddies to discourage them from having sex?
10. What happens after Tender's big "miracle" at the Super Bowl? Why?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Discuss the character of Tender Branson, the main character in the novel. Include Tender's biographical details and a description of his personality. Consider the following questions: What is Tender's problem with personal relationships? How does Tender's childhood affect him? Why didn't Tender commit suicide when the other members of the Creedish Church did? How does Tender interact with the people he encounters in his life?
Essay Topic 2
Themes are a vital part of the complete package of a novel, presenting unifying and recurrent ideas that tie a novel together and give the it meaning. The novel "Survivor" hits on many important themes. Discuss some of the themes of the novel including religion, loyalty, perception, and the relationship between power and sex.
Essay Topic 3
When Tender becomes the last survivor, he is immediately inundated with phone calls from producers and agents wanting to turn him into a religious celebrity. What is the fascination with Tender as a religious "superstar"? Describe the character of the agent and what happens to Tender when their relationship begins. What does the character of the agent symbolize? Why is he referred to simply as "the agent"?
This section contains 1,265 words (approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page) |