Survivor Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Survivor Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Complete the sentence. Fertility tells Tender that she will not always be with Tender physically, but ______.
(a) She will always know where to find him.
(b) He will always be in her heart.
(c) She will always love him.
(d) She will always just be a phone call away.

2. What can possibly make people angry about the Book of Very Common Prayer?
(a) If Tender tells everyone it is fake.
(b) If the prayers did not work.
(c) It is very expensive.
(d) It is written in Italian.

3. What disaster does Tender choose to reveal as his miracle?
(a) A shark attack.
(b) A tanning salon explosion.
(c) An oil tanker capsizing.
(d) A swarm of a zillion killer bees.

4. What happens on Tender's television show?
(a) He kills himself.
(b) He grants wishes to the poor.
(c) He is interviewed by a well-known journalist.
(d) He talks about his relationship with Fertility.

5. What started the investigation into the Creedish Church?
(a) A woman called and reported being raped.
(b) Tender went to the police and complained.
(c) There was only one birth certificate for every twenty children.
(d) Children in the church started to die.

Short Answer Questions

1. When does Tender first see the Book of Very Common Prayer?

2. What does Adam do when they are close to PornFill?

3. What does the agent decide to call Tender's brief television spots?

4. In what city is the Super Bowl taking place?

5. What is Tender's new television show called?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Tender decide to do in front of everyone in the auditorium before one of his shows and why does he change his mind?

2. What is Fertility's job? Explain Tender's reaction to it.

3. What does the agent and his team do to Tender while he is in New York? Why?

4. What does Adam say that the Creedish did to the tenders and the biddies to discourage them from having sex?

5. What evidence do the police have to suspect Tender of the murders of the agent and the caseworker?

6. What happens after Tender's big "miracle" at the Super Bowl? Why?

7. What happens when Tender catches up to Fertility at the airport in chapter 3?

8. Who does the hijacker turn out to be? Explain.

9. Once they return home, where do Fertility and Tender spend the night? Who sees Tender and what is ironic about the whole situation?

10. Tender has a weekly show called Peace of Mind where he sits down with a well-known journalist for interviews. What is Tender's response to the journalist's question about Tender's childhood? Is it accurate?

(see the answer keys)

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