Survivor Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Survivor Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 150 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who accompanies Tender's brother and his brother's wife to the outside world?
(a) Tender.
(b) A church elder.
(c) No one.
(d) Tender's mother.

2. What does Fertility do to keep track of her dreams?
(a) She jots them in her notebook.
(b) She has Tender write them down.
(c) She keeps a calendar.
(d) She uses an audio recorder.

3. Who does Tender want to talk to his caseworker about?
(a) His family.
(b) His employers.
(c) Fertility Hollis.
(d) His landlord.

4. Who does Tender work for?
(a) A Creedish Church elder.
(b) McDonalds.
(c) A very busy, wealthy couple.
(d) An old woman.

5. On which day of the week does Tender meet with his caseworker?
(a) Tuesday.
(b) Saturday.
(c) Thursday.
(d) Wednesday.

6. What was waiting for the tenders and biddies in the outside world once they left the colony?
(a) An assignment.
(b) A spouse.
(c) Money.
(d) College.

7. Where does Tender meet Fertility for their first "date"?
(a) The cemetery.
(b) A local nightclub.
(c) A French restaurant.
(d) Her apartment.

8. What does Tender say happens now when he sees a fellow Creedish Church member?
(a) They try to avoid each other at all costs.
(b) They both hang their heads in disgrace.
(c) They smile at each other.
(d) They hug each other.

9. What does Tender do after the pilot leaves the plane?
(a) He searches the luggage for money.
(b) He jumps out of the plane also.
(c) He blows the plane up.
(d) He goes to the bathroom out of the plane.

10. How old was Tender when he first met his caseworker?
(a) 34.
(b) 17.
(c) 25.
(d) 23.

11. What do a lot of the Creedish Church members have issues with, including Tender?
(a) Their employers.
(b) Homesickness.
(c) Their weight.
(d) Sex and masturbation.

12. Where does Tender's name come from?
(a) His mother made it up.
(b) It is his grandfather's name.
(c) He had it changed when he moved to the outside world.
(d) It is his rank in Creedish culture.

13. What does Fertility do when Tender upsets her on their third date?
(a) She ignores him.
(b) She leaves.
(c) She yells at him.
(d) She hits him.

14. What does the caseworker use while helping at Tender's employers' house?
(a) Lemon pledge.
(b) His employers' car.
(c) A strong mix of ammonia and bleach.
(d) A shovel.

15. What flight did the main character hijack?
(a) Flight 2003.
(b) Flight 2309.
(c) Flight 300.
(d) Flight 2903.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Fertility reveal to "phone Tender" that she knows about "cemetery Tender"?

2. Why did Tender once try to get a job at McDonalds?

3. What is the main character's family name?

4. What kind of jokes does someone start to make on Fertility and Tender's third date?

5. On what day of the week does Tender have his first "date" with Fertility?

(see the answer keys)

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