Listen to the song "Rosamunda" and read the lyrics. Discuss with a group how you would have felt standing in the cold in a concentration camp listening to that song.
Create a diorama of the prison camp.
Author Interview
Write ten questions that you would ask the author if you could interview him.
Good Day/Bad Day
With a group, discuss some of your good and bad days. Then compare your days to good and bad days that Levi and the other prisoners experienced.
Air Raid
Imagine being in the camp with no shelter from the bombs. Write a few paragraphs explaining how you would feel.
Use a timeline to show the events that happened in the book.
Primo Levi
Read another book written by Primo Levi.
Draw a picture of some of the faces of Auschwitz.
Alberto and Levi had several exploits...
This section contains 376 words (approx. 2 pages at 300 words per page) |