Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman! Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 140 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what year does Feynman attend a conference at the University of North Carolina?
(a) 1964.
(b) 1957.
(c) 1953.
(d) 1972.

2. How much does the science teacher offer Feynman to give a lecture?
(a) $60.
(b) $500.
(c) $50.
(d) $600.

3. Feynman would argue with his friend Jirayr Zorthian that artists don't have any subject because they lost their ___________.
(a) Sanity.
(b) Ethics.
(c) Perspective.
(d) Religion.

4. What is the one thing missing from the cargo cult sciences, according to Feynman?
(a) Proof.
(b) Experiments.
(c) Integrity.
(d) Consistency.

5. What idea does a guy have at the Washington DC cocktail party given by the Secretary of the Army?
(a) Navigating tanks by stars.
(b) Turning sand into tank fuel.
(c) Using physicists to designing tanks.
(d) Refueling tanks by helicoptors.

6. Where is Feynman when he discovers he can distinguish good art from bad art?
(a) Pasadena Art Museum.
(b) Sistene Chapel.
(c) Metropolitan Museum of Art.
(d) Basilica.

7. Feynman has a long fascination with hallucinations and _____________.
(a) Hypnosis.
(b) Drugs.
(c) Dreams.
(d) Sense deprivation.

8. After Feynman gives his lecture on Mayan culture, what does his friend Murray Gell-Mann give a lecture on weeks later?
(a) Linguistics.
(b) Psychology.
(c) Russian culture.
(d) Philosophy.

9. What is the name of the Chinese-speaking Caucasian at the Caltech house party?
(a) Mrs. Jones.
(b) Mrs. Smith.
(c) Mr. Smith.
(d) Mr. Jones.

10. Feynman is involved in the problematic search for the right laws of _______________.
(a) Beta decay.
(b) Beta reflectors.
(c) Particle reflectors.
(d) Particle decay.

11. Who does Feynman have to write a report for about his time in Brazil?
(a) Brazilian Academy of Science.
(b) State Department.
(c) Physics Institute.
(d) Cornell University.

12. The textbooks Feynman evaluates try to combine math with _____________.
(a) Science.
(b) Literature.
(c) Games.
(d) Practical applications.

13. What could Feynman draw in high school art class?
(a) Flowers.
(b) Pyramids in deserts.
(c) Stacks of cubes.
(d) Houses.

14. Where does Feynman want to stay while in Japan?
(a) A private home.
(b) A Japanese-style hotel.
(c) A luxurious resort.
(d) A European-style hotel.

15. While staying in Syracuse, who gives Feynman good advice about figuring out a complicated theory?
(a) His mother.
(b) His sister.
(c) His brother.
(d) His father.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the topic of the conference at the University of North Carolina that Feynman attends?

2. Where does Feynman get his term "cargo cult"?

3. What is Feynman's dilemma when he arrives at the airport to go to the conference at the University of North Carolina?

4. How long would Feynman spend in the sensory deprivation tank each session?

5. What does the reporter from Time magazine tell Feynman about the Nobel?

(see the answer keys)

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