Sunrise Over Fallujah Test | Final Test - Medium

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Sunrise Over Fallujah Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the sheik tell the men from the CA unit to call him in Chapter 14?
(a) Muhammad.
(b) Hamid.
(c) Faisal.
(d) Latif.

2. Captain Coles says to Private Perry in Chapter 13 regarding the war, “It teaches you things, though. What it’s taught me is” what?
(a) “That my former regrets are meaningless, and life is worth living in the moment.”
(b) “That I value my life more than I thought I did. And that I wish I were home with my family.”
(c) “That I wish I’d followed my father’s advice and quit the military when I had a chance.”
(d) “That I love my wife and family more than I knew, and a lot more than I ever told them.”

3. Word has come down that Major Sessions was passed up for a promotion to what title in Chapter 11?
(a) Colonel.
(b) General.
(c) Sergeant Colonel.
(d) Lieutenant Colonel.

4. Along with the cured meats, what did the soldiers of the CA unit keep for themselves from the shipment of gifts from the Free Will Baptist Church in Chapter 13?
(a) The dresses and clothing.
(b) The toys and dolls.
(c) The cookies and candy bars.
(d) The cigarettes and liquor.

5. What is the name of the Iraqi boy that the CA unit is trying to locate on their mission in Chapter 11?
(a) Halima Telfah.
(b) Muhammad Latif Al-Sadah.
(c) Muhammad An Najaf.
(d) Muhammad Kazimayn-Sadah.

Short Answer Questions

1. Perry’s unit gets word in Chapter 13 that no one is to leave the Green Zone in groups of less than how many each?

2. In the soccer game that Jonesy sets up in Chapter 12, who agrees to get Third Squad to play if he can be the goalie?

3. What is the name of the Special Ops guy who arrives for escort with Lieutenant Davis in Chapter 10?

4. Captain Coles says of the civilians that were found dead in Chapter 13, “From what I gathered the thinking is that they were killed by one of” what?

5. What battalion is described as “the main CA support group attached to the 3rd Infantry” in Chapter 9?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is the setting where Private Perry goes on tour with Corporal Kennedy described in Chapter 8?

2. What does Perry contemplate of the complexity of their situation in Iraq in Chapter 13?

3. What causes the argument between Jonesy and Sergeant Harris in Chapter 10?

4. Where is Private Perry invited to go on a tour with Corporal Kennedy in Chapter 8?

5. What does the CA unit do during their time in the Green Zone in Chapter 13?

6. Where does Private Perry’s CA unit find success in their mission in Chapter 11?

7. How is the character of Jerry Egri described in Chapter 12?

8. Who does Captain Coles introduce to the Civil Affairs unit in Chapter 10?

9. Where does Jonesy tell Private Perry the team is setting out at night in Chapter 12?

10. What does Jonesy say he likes about Iraq in Chapter 8?

(see the answer keys)

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