Sunrise Over Fallujah Test | Final Test - Easy

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Sunrise Over Fallujah Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The mosque that Private Perry visits with other CA soldiers in Chapter 8 is located in what area north of Baghdad?
(a) Al Jazeera.
(b) Kazimayn.
(c) An Najaf.
(d) An Nasiriyah.

2. Birdy says in Chapter 11 that they took Ahmed from their unit for the week and “sent him over to where they were setting up a jail or holding pen at” what location?
(a) “An Nasiriyah.”
(b) “An Najaf.”
(c) “Abu Ghraib.”
(d) “The Rusafa district.”

3. The village that Perry, Jonesy, and their unit go to in Chapter 9 in order to make reparations for civilian deaths in an air raid is called what?
(a) Al-Uhaimir.
(b) An Najaf.
(c) An Nasiriyah.
(d) Kazimayn.

4. While playing poker with the unit in Chapter 12, Corporal Kennedy bluffs and claims she has two pair. What pair does she claim to have?
(a) Jacks over eights.
(b) Kings over sevens.
(c) Queens over tens.
(d) Tens over sixes.

5. The detonators that are found at the house that is searched by Special Ops in Chapter 10 are located hidden in what?
(a) Children’s dolls.
(b) Flour.
(c) Spices.
(d) A water fountain.

6. Where does Corporal Kennedy describe growing up in Chapter 10?
(a) A foster home.
(b) A nunnery.
(c) A mental hospital.
(d) A wealthy estate.

7. After unloading the shipment of gifts from the Free Will Baptist Church in Chapter 13, Perry says that they argued over whether what cured meat is pork or beef?
(a) Pepperoni.
(b) Salami.
(c) Pastrami.
(d) Ham.

8. What magazine does Private Perry take out a subscription to in Chapter 13?
(a) The New Yorker.
(b) Oprah Magazine.
(c) GQ Magazine.
(d) The Source.

9. What is the term used in Chapter 8 to refer to the person who leads prayers in a mosque?
(a) Shah.
(b) Sultan.
(c) Imam.
(d) Jurist.

10. On what date does Major Sessions tell the hospital administrator that the Iraqi boy they are looking for disappeared in Chapter 11?
(a) March 12.
(b) April 14.
(c) July 15.
(d) June 12.

11. The narrator says in Chapter 8, “The 3rd and 4th Marines had secured an area in downtown Baghdad they were calling” what?
(a) “The Bubble.”
(b) “The White Zone.”
(c) “The Blue Zone.”
(d) “The Black Zone.”

12. When Corporal Rios receives a large package in the beginning of Chapter 9, the return address is from where?
(a) California.
(b) Wyoming.
(c) Kansas.
(d) Washington.

13. The Special Ops guys that Perry’s unit is escorting in Chapter 10 say that they got some information from the confession box that there’s an IED factory located where?
(a) The New City area.
(b) The An Najaf district.
(c) The Old City area.
(d) The Rusafa district

14. How many women are taken from the home where the detonators are found in Chapter 10?
(a) 4.
(b) 3.
(c) 5.
(d) 2.

15. What term is used in Chapter 9 to describe “a 400-gallon water carrier that could be hitched onto the back of a truck”?
(a) A “Cyclops.”
(b) A Bradley.
(c) A “water buffalo.”
(d) A Humvee.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are the names of Corporal Pendleton’s daughters?

2. Who ends up claiming the monkey that Corporal Rios receives from eBay in Chapter 9?

3. When the CA unit watches cartoons and decides to map out a plan for Wile E. Coyote to finally trap the Road Runner in Chapter 12, they develop a set of specs to send to what corporation?

4. To which of the two main branches of Islam did Saddam Hussein belong, according to the narrator in Chapter 8?

5. In his letter to Uncle Richie in Chapter 11, Private Perry writes that what keep changing and can even change in the middle of the day?

(see the answer keys)

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