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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What gifts does Wilson-Harris give to Jake and Bill when they leave for Pamplona?
2. What does Bill reveal to Jake after they finish bantering about Henry's bicycle?
3. How are the houses in Burguete arranged?
4. What do Bill and Cohn make a bet over while eating at the Hotel Montoya?
5. What does Mike say to Brett after Cohn beats Pedro Romero?
Short Essay Questions
1. What took place during the paseo in Pamplona?
2. Relate why Montoya, the hotel owner in Pamplona, smiles at Jake and asks if Bill is an aficionado?
3. Both Bill and Jake are irritated when Cohn says that he doesn't think Brett and Mike are going to show up when they are supposed to. What happens as a result of Cohn's annoying comments?
4. How does Pedro Romero view the bulls that he fights?
5. What are the feelings that Brett reveals to Jake about Pedro Romero?
6. Cohn wants to see Jake after knocking him unconscious. Does Jake go to see Cohn or does he decide against it? Explain.
7. How did Pedro Romero perform in the bull ring after getting a severe beating from Robert Cohn?
8. Summarize the description Jake gives of Basque country.
9. What does Cohn do when he finds Pedro Romero with Brett?
10. Is Mike Campbell justified in comparing Robert Cohen to one of the steers?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
1) The feelings of the characters seem to change dramatically by the end of the novel.
2) How do the main characters feel about themselves at the beginning of the story?
3) How do they feel at the end of the story?
4) How do they feel about each other at the start of the novel and how do they feel at the end?
Essay Topic 2
1) Compare and contrast Jake Barnes and his friend Bill Gorton.
2) What are their personalities, behaviors, speech, attitudes, and physical appearances?
3) Are they true to life characters?
4) How do they relate to one another?
Essay Topic 3
1) Evaluate the relationship between Mike Campbell and Brett Ashley.
2) Are they a good match?
3) How do they treat one another?
4) Is it an equal, strong partnership?
5) Do they accept one another for who they are?
Justify all answers.
This section contains 893 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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